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有句古话说到了“有鹏自远方来,不亦乐呼”,我正是怀着这样的心情向大家介绍我们即将开始的行程…下面是我为大家整理的关于 导游词 欢迎词 范文 精选5篇,希望对您有所帮助。欢迎大家阅读参考学习!



很高兴见到各位,首先我代表我们公司深圳国旅新境界对大家参加这次的旅游活动表示热烈的欢迎,本人托大家的鸿福,很幸运能够成为大家的导游。在这里要跟大家说声谢谢哦:“谢谢大家”。先 自我介绍 吧,我呢是青岛__行社的经理(停顿一下)派来的导游,我姓黄,单名一个锋字,大家可以直接喊我的名字:黄锋。这个名字挺简单,对吗?又好记,呵呵,希望大家喜欢。

在我身边这一位呢是我们这次旅途中最为劳苦功高的一位,我们的_ 陈师傅,开足两天车的时间,非常幸苦。







各位远道而来的朋友们,大家好!你们一路辛苦了!我是你们这次__的导游员周峥,大家可以叫我小周,我代表_ 旅行社欢迎你们的到来。在接下来的几天中我很荣幸能够陪伴大家一起度过,在旅游途中大家有任何问题可以及时告诉我,我会尽我所能帮助大家解决的,如若我有做的不足的地方也请大家及时指出,我会及时的改正。(如果是在旅游车上的话还要介绍下司机)为我们开车的是_ 旅游公司_傅,请大家记住车牌号码,我和_傅会尽力为大家做好服务的。祝愿大家能在这次旅游中玩的开心!

迎着清晨这一屡灿烂的阳光,沐浴着这清凉春风,我们今天的旅行就要在这明媚的春光中拉开序幕。各位来宾,大家早上好。欢迎大家参加__ 旅行社__ 之旅。我代表公司及我个人对大家的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。我是您此行的导游,我叫__ ,大家叫我__ 就可以了。(指着司机)这位是司机_师傅。在接下来的行程里,将由我们两位为大家竭诚服务,由我为您提供导游讲解服务。我们会将您的行程安排好,使您此行游的开心、玩的尽兴。






从现在开始,车上的各位就是我们的朋友了,你们在四川遇到什么样的 困难,或者有什么样的麻烦,可以告诉我们,我们回尽全力帮助大家解决的,同时也希望各位多多配合我们的工作。今天是200_年_月_日,这是一个值得大家记住的日子,因为从这个时候开始,各位就踏上了四川之旅的行程。四川简称蜀,三国时,属国被司马昭灭掉以后,后主刘婵被安置在了魏国的首都洛阳,过着豪华而奢侈的生活,有一天,司马昭问刘婵,还想不想蜀国。刘婵回答到:“此乐间,不思蜀也”。乐不思蜀这句 典故 后来泛指在新的环境中得到了乐趣,而不想回到就的环境中去了。各位来至__ 省,__ 省简称_,在四川这_天的时间里,我希望各位能发出“乐不思_”的感叹,当然这并不是贬义,只是希望各位能在四川玩的愉快,乘兴而来,满意而归嘛。


我们的车再走10多分钟就要到市区了。下面我问大家一个问题,又没有人知道中国的“四大城市”呢?这“四大城市”就是北京、上海、广州和我们现在到达的成都。和北京、上海、广州一样,成都的发展也一样凝聚了历史沉淀的势能和当前西部大开发的动力,其经济总量站了全川的30以上,人均年收入已经达到了__ 万元人民币。众所周知,成都是四川的省会,总面积在10000平方公里以上,人口已经达到了1000多万人,从这个数字上大家可以看出,成都面积不大,但是人口密度是相当高的。在中国乃至全世界,属成都人过的最另类,在北京,时间就是机遇;在上海,时间就是时尚;在广州,时间就是金钱;然而到了成都,时间就是生活。在全国各大城市中,成都人活的最潇洒,最没有压力感。有人曾经作过这样一个统计,在街上,属成都人步行最慢;早上,属成都人起床最晚;而在成都,茶馆的营业时间又是最长……那么对在座的各位来说,这个中国第四城真的有如此大的魅力吗?



非常欢迎在座的个位到哈尔滨观光旅游,我是__ 旅行社的导游员我的名字是。

为了方便起见大家可以叫我小_.坐在我� �车前方的是司机。。师傅。。。师傅有多年的驾驶 经验 ,驾驶技术高超。所以大家在行车过程中可以完全放心。我们都说到了吉林是吉(急)开,到了蒙古是蒙(猛)开,到了上海是沪(胡)开,那到了哈尔滨就是黑白两道都能开。因为在夏天我们的马路是黑的,到了冬天我们的马路是白的,所以我们的师傅是黑白两道混得都熟的,大家尽可以放心。那大家在哈尔滨的这几天将由我和。。师傅陪同大家一同渡过。哈尔滨是寒冷的,但哈尔滨人是热情的,大家有什么问题尽管和我说,我会尽我最大的努力让大家满意。现在我们的车窗外是寒冷的,希望大家把过去的一年中不快乐的事和工作上的压力都抛在窗外,让我们的寒冷把它暂时冰冻起来,随着春天的来临悄悄地融化,流入我们的松花江,那留下的只有开心和一年的好运气。那小。。先在这里预祝大家哈尔滨之行愉快,希望大家带着对哈尔滨市的期待和憧憬而来带着对哈尔滨的满意和流连而归!


各位老师大家好!首先我代表我们__ 旅行社的全体人员对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎,同时也感谢大家对我们旅行社的支持和信任。我叫 雕刻 时光,是四通旅行社的导游员,大家叫我小刘好了。坐在前方驾驶位置上的是我们的随队司机张师傅。张师傅的驾驶经验非常丰富,相信大家在乘车的途中一定会感到既舒适又安全的。今天能担任本团的导游工作,认识这么多的教师朋友,我觉感到很荣幸,如果大家在旅途中有什么困难和要求,请您及时地提出,我将竭尽全力地为您服务。也希望大家能积极地支持和配合我的工作。在这里我预祝大家旅途愉快,能够高兴而来,满意而归。

我们今天要游览的景点是古 文化 街,古文化街是以天后宫为中心,具有天津地方特的一条街,位于南开区宫南宫北大街,1985年经市政府整理恢复其传统风貌,命名为“古文化街”。古文化街有别于一般的商业街,在这里集中了天津乃至全国四面八方的各种工艺品、文化用品,其中以响誉国内外,具有浓厚天津地方特的杨柳青 年画 ,泥人张彩塑和风筝魏的风筝最有名气,整条街充满了浓郁的中国味、天津味、古味和文化味。那么古文化街到底怎样呢?还是大家亲自游览后再作评价吧。




那我们这次长春游 程三日。第一天我带领大家去长春电影制片厂去参观,第二天去参观向海,然后晚上会在那里度过一晚。第三天我们乘车去两代皇后的家乡在去感受一下满族的风土人情。那我们这次的长春的游程就是这样的为大家安排的。那我们今天所要到的是长春电影制片厂,那现在游客朋友请大家自己检查一下要带的东西是不是带全了,有晕车的朋友请上我这里来令晕车要和塑料袋。那好了游客朋友们,我们现在距离我们我们的目的地还有一段距离,在这段时间我为大家简单的介绍一下长影……

导游词欢迎词范文精选5篇相关 文章 :

1. 8篇导游词欢迎词范文

2. 导游欢迎词优秀范文5篇

3. 优秀的导游词欢迎词5篇

4. 优秀的导游词欢迎词范文

5. 福建英文导游词

6. 导游致欢迎词精彩范文3篇

7. 南旅游导游欢迎词范文5篇

8. 优秀导游欢迎词范文3篇

9. 导游词欢迎词大全


Lhasa is rightly one of the most featured and dreamt-about cities in the world. This is not only because of its remoteness, its high altitude at 3,650 meters (11,975 feet) means limited accessibility, but also because of its impressive heritage of over a thousand years of cultural and spiritual history that has helped to create the romantic and mysterious Tibetan religion.

Differing from the inland cities and other places in Tibet, Lhasa is unique with an allure all of its own. In the Tibetan language, Lhasa means the Holy Land or the Buddha Land. It is the center of Tibet's politics, economy and culture. The city has also been appointed as one of the 24 historical and cultural cities of China. The splendor and grandeur of the Potala Palace in Lhasa remains a world-famous symbol of the enigmatic power of politics and religion in this region.

As the beautiful capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), Lhasa is situated in the South Central part of the region, on the North bank of the Kyichu River (Lhasa River) in a mountain-fringed valley. This ancient sprawling city, settled 1,300 years ago, covers 30,000 square kilometers (11,583 square miles), with a population of 400,000, of which 87 percent are Tibetans. The urban population is 180,000.

Generally the period from March to October is the best time to visit Tibet. Since Lhasa is located at such a high altitude it is wise to be prepared before starting your journey. Generally speaking, due to the large temperature differences during any given day in Tibet, warm clothes should be taken to keep away the cold. However, because it also receives a great deal of sunshine, sunglasses, suntan oil, and a sun hat are indispensable items if you're traveling anywhere in Tibet.

Currently there are three options for travel to Tibet, by plane, by road and by train.

1. Taking the plane is a comfortable and timesaving option, but offers little time for you to acclimatise to the altitude; this may cause sickness.

2. Taking the bus along one of five highways that have been opened-up for tourists' use. This will take longer but will enable you to see the amazing scenery en route. Furthermore, taking extra time allows for a more gradual acclimatization to the altitude.

3. Taking the train, is a fabulous new option, giving the opportunity to see hitherto unseen mountain scenery. With the operation of Tibet Railway from July 1st, 2006, more and more tourist have swarmed into Tibet via the great Tibet train.'

One word of warning: although there is a gradually increasing tourism industry in Lhasa, it is a city with many difficulties yet to be overcome due to its unique location and geography. Please bear in mind that traveling in Lhasa, as well as in Tibet on the whole, is more challenging than in any other part of China.

Despite this more and more people from every corner of the world are being attracted towards this vibrant city with its mysterious culture. Its unique scenery, long history, exotic culture, mystical religion and spectacular monuments will ensure your stay is unforgettable.

Welcome to ChongQing!My name is XXX , and my English name is Shirley.  I’m very glad to be your local guide for today’s visit. On behalf of our travel agency, we hope that all of you will feel as good as today’s sunshine and enjoy yourselves here. In the following time we will have a visit on the There Gorges of Yangtze River-one of nature’s most fantastic sights by ship. During the tour if you have any questions or some good ideas please point them out, I’ll try my best to satisfy you. Wish you a wonderful journey!

Above all, I’d like to give you a brief introduction of the Three Gorges. The Yangtze Three Gorges is one of the ten most famous tour sites of China , proudly stands at the first place of the best fourteen in China’s hottest scenic spots. Extend about 192 kilometers ,the Three Gorges  made up of  Qutang Gorge、 Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge .It starts from Baidi Castle ,Fe ngjie town in Sichuan Province to Nanjinguan of Yichang City in Hubei province, The gorges vary from 300m at their widest to less than 100m at their narrowest. The three parts of the gorges have their own characteristics.

Now, look through the windows, please. This is the first one—Qutang Gorge which wins its fame for grand precipice. The Qutang Gorge is only 8km. It is the smallest and shortest one in the Three Gorges, but its landscape is the most magnificent. The  Yangtze River runs very fast here, and it suddenly looks like a thousand of seas poured into one cup.

As the ship going on, we have arrived the Wu Gorge which got the name from the Wu Mountain. The Wu Gorge extends about 44km well known for its profound beauty. Traveling in the deep seems like sailing in a nature gallery. Whenever the visitors arrived here,  they were all fascinated by the famous 12 peaks of Wu Mountain. The 12 peaks stand thousands of meters high above the water. Their shapes are various and each of them has a reputation based on a beautiful legend . Goddess Peak stands out from the other peaks on the north bank. It is the most beautiful and upright one among them.

Look, over there! A huge rock towering among the rosy clouds in the Qingfeng, just looks like a slim and beautiful young lady.It is the Goddess Peak .Every day the Goddess Peak is the first to great the morning sun and the last to bid it farewell.

Downsream  from the zigzagging Wu Gorge is the Xiling Gorge . The Xiling Gorge starts from Xiangxikou in the west and ends to Nanjinhguan of YiChang in the east.Its total length of 78 kilometers rans the longest in the Three Gorges.The name “Xiling”means “west mountains”in our Chinese becouse it located in the west of Yichang.Xiling Gorge takes on the typical scenery ot the later Three Gorges, and the scene is very splended here.

Time flies, our visit is coming to an end and its very difficult for me to say goodbye to you. I highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. I don’t expect that all of you will remember me, but I really hope that my service is of help to you. Thank you very much and best wishes to you .


欢迎到哪里旅游,访问,一般英文中直接说 welcome to +地名,景点名,不要额外加visit,比如:中文可以说:欢迎来到九寨沟旅游

,对应英语就说: Welcome to Jiuzaigou National park .不需要加visit来表达旅游的意思,当然可以在后面另起一个句子来加以扩展说明。



ladies and Gentleman

wellcome to visiting .lt is my honor to be your tour guide .lt is a pleasure to have friends frome afar .l will do my best to serve you .please let me know if you meet some problem .hoping that you can have a good time .make sure take good care of your belongings and pay special attention to your safety .thank you .

please take your belongings and get off the bus with me .


visiting is over .l think the time touring with you is unforgettable .douring the visiting course ,maybe l did no do very well .hoping that you can provide valuable advise for me .ln order to help us to make more progress .then offer better services .

wellcome to here again .l expect the day we meet again .thank you .


上海导游词仅供参考:Welcome visitor you friends Hello everybody , welcome to come to Shanghai , I was in Shanghai travel guide Zhang, very pleased to be able to meet everyone to do all tour guides in the past few days , the meet that fate , first travel agency on behalf of our we extend a warm welcome , thank you for years of support and trust of our agencies , we hope to be able to have fun in the past few days , eat at ease , comfortable stay , leave a good memory ! I then called Zhang, Gong Zhang , because I Zhang, again we are guided , so everyone called me that how it ~ Oh, call me Sally on the line, someone said Zhang , I gladly accepted it , because Zhang cried too grand , and Zhang Yimou is called Zhang guide ! Our master driver surnamed X, I and everyone from all over the world together with the master comes really kind of fate , China is so big, it happens that we get together to such a small compartment to , if our car metaphor these days we mobile home , then our X master is our housekeeper , control of the steering wheel , hand power, our license plate number is our house number, slipped out the door when we must remember their own house number , and after all, our home is on wheels will run , I say again that we remember it : Shanghai XXXX Although I can not recall all the names one by one , but I think in the next X days where I would slowly we understand , we are familiar with , so now we just need to remember I can, you remember my last name anything? Then the car there and my surname , and hands . I'm sorry, I'm talking about the same surname , the surname another name. Well, the joke , and finally give us a few small suggestions , first of all, let us sit in the seat , do not walk around after a good casual avoid excessive speed is dangerous , followed by car is easy to be hungry , then eat leftover under it in a convenient trash bag , thrown off when the front of the trash can or carry down , let the house we want to live in X days , I hope we can maintain a good environment together , the last point is to sit Do not handle the window of a friend or head out of the window Shu , to avoid being scratched another vehicle , then I think away from home , travel is important, but peace is the most important, I think is a safe away from home happy , then I hope that this trip be able to take out everyone happily , safely brought back !



Guilin is a city in China, situated in the northeast of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on the west bank of the Li River. Its name means "forest of Sweet Osmanthus", owing to the large number of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus trees located in the city. The city has long been renowned for its unique scenery.


In 314 BC, a small settlement was established along the banks of the Li River.

In 111 BC, during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Shi An County was established, which could be regarded as the beginning of the city.

In 507 AD, the town was renamed Guizhou.

Guilin prospered in the Tang and Song dynasties but remained a county. The city was also a nexus between the central government and the southwest border, and it was where regular armies were placed to guard that border. Canals were built through the city so that food supplies could be directly transported from the food-productive Yangtze plain to the farthest southwestern point of the empire.

In 1921, Guilin became one of the headquarters of the Northern Expeditionary Army led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

In 1940, the city acquired its present name.

In 1981, this ancient city was listed by the State Council as one of the four cities (the other three being Beijing, Hangzhou and Suzhou) where the protection of historical and cultural heritage, as well as natural scenery, should be treated as a priority project.

The Jingjiang Princes City is a royal complex dating from the Ming Dynasty that lies near the center of modern Guilin. Other scenic spots around Guilin include: Seven Star Park, Seven-Star Cave and Ludi (Reed-Flute) Cave, Camel Mountain and Elephant Trunk Hill, Piled Festoon Hill, Crescent Hill, Fubo Hill, Nanxi Hill, Erlang Gorge, Huangbu (Yellow Cloth) Beach, Moon Hill, Longsheng Rice Terrace.

Guilin cuisine is known for its snacks and the use of spices, especially chili. The famous Guilin chili sauce, Guìlín làjiāojiàng (桂林辣椒酱), used widely in cooking by locals,[1] is made of fresh chili, garlic, and fermented soybeans, and is considered one of the city's Three Treasures (桂林三宝). The other two of the Three Treasures are Guilin Sanhua Jiu (桂林三花酒), a variety of rice baijiu, or liquor distilled from rice; and Guilin pickled tofu (桂林豆腐乳).

Guilin rice noodles (桂林米粉) have been the local breakfast staple since the Qin dynasty and are renowned for their delicate taste. Legend has it that when Qin troops suffering from diarrhea entered this region, a cook created the Guilin rice noodles for the army because they had trouble eating the local food. Specifically, the local specialty is noodles with horse meat, but this dish can also be ordered without the horse meat. Zongzi (粽子), a dumpling made from glutinous rice and mung bean paste wrapped in a bamboo or banana leaf) is another popular delicacy in Guilin.

本文发布于:2023-02-25 19:33:19,感谢您对本站的认可!



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