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芳村Fangcun Wharf
(Dear passengers, welcome to take Guangzhou Water Bus! Ship to sail, please to sit back, and steady. Take good care of your side of the elderly and children, beware of slipping. This line is bound for Canton Tower Wharf. The next station is Huangsha Wharf.)
(Dear passengers! This line is about to reach Huangsha Wharf. Please take all your belongi
ngs and be ready to go ashore. At this station, you can Transfer to Line S1S6S13S14. To Shamian, White Goose Pool, Huangsha Aquatic Products Market, and Metropolitan Plaza, please exit the wharf.)
(Dingdong)(Ship docked, passengers please sit steady!)
(Dear passengers! This line has reached Huangsha Wharf. Please go ashore and pay attention to the gap between the ship and the pontoon [pɒn'tuːn]. Prevent being jammed or falling into water. Thank you!)
黄沙Huangsha Wharf
(Dear passengers, welcome to take Guangzhou Water Bus! Ship to sail, please to sit back, and steady. Take good care of your side of the elderly and children, beware of slipping. This line is bound for Canton Tower Wharf. The next station is Xidi Wharf. )
(Dear passengers! This line is about to reach Xidi Wharf. Please take all your belongings and be ready to go ashore. At this station, you can Transfer to Line S1S4. To the Southern Mansion, Aiqun Mansion, Datong Hotel, Guangdong Custom House, Shangxiajiu Commercial Pedestrian Street, and Cultural Park, please exit the wharf. )
(Dingdong)(Ship docked, passengers please sit steady!)
(Dear passengers! This line has reached Xidi Wharf. Please go ashore and pay attention to the gap between the ship and the pontoon [pɒn'tuːn]. Prevent being jammed or falling into water. Thank you!)
西堤Xidi Wharf
(Dear passengers, welcome to take Guangzhou Water Bus! Ship to sail, please to sit back, and steady. Take good care of your side of the elderly and children, beware of slipping. This line is bound for Canton Tower Wharf. The next station is Tianzi Wharf.)
(Dear passengers! This line is about to reach Tianzi Wharf. Please take all your belongings and be ready to go ashore. At this station, you can Transfer to Line S7. To Haizhu Square, Holy Heart Cathedral, Beijing Road Commercial Pedestrian Street, please exit the wharf.)
(Dingdong)(Ship docked, passengers please sit steady!)
(Dear passengers! This line has reached Tianzi Wharf. Please go ashore and pay attention to the gap between the ship and the pontoon [pɒn'tuːn]. Prevent being jammed or falling into water. Thank you!)
天字Tianzi Wharf
(Dear passengers, welcome to take Guangzhou Water Bus! Ship to sail, please to sit back, and steady. Take good care of your side of the elderly and children, beware of slipping. This line is bound for Canton Tower Wharf. The next station is Grand Marshal House Wharf.)
(Dear passengers! This line is about to reach Grand Marshal House Wharf. Please take all your belongings and be ready to go ashore. To Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, please exit the wharf.)
(Dingdong)(Ship docked, passengers please sit steady!)
(Dear passengers! This line has reached Grand Marshal House Wharf. Please go ashore and pay attention to the gap between the ship and the pontoon [pɒn'tuːn]. Prevent being jammed or falling into water. Thank you!)
大元帅府(Grand Marshal House Wharf)
(Dear passengers, welcome to take Guangzhou Water Bus! Ship to sail, please to sit back, and steady. Take good care of your side of the elderly and children, beware of slipping. This line is bound for Canton Tower Wharf. The next station is Zhongda Wharf.)
(Dear passengers! This line is about to reach Zhongda Wharf. Please take all your belongings and be ready to go ashore. To Sun Yat-sen Memorial University, Sailing Club, Gold Coast Water Park, please exit the wharf.)

本文发布于:2023-05-02 21:44:30,感谢您对本站的认可!



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