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Chengdu snacks are popular for their unique flavors and cooked with various seasonings. They have a particular style in color, smell, taste and shape.
Most of Sichuan food are quite spicy. You should be sure to order non spicy (不要辣; búyàolà),little spicy(微辣; wēilà) food or very spicy(⽼辣; laola). If you are not accustomed to it yet, a small dish of soy(bean) sauce works much better than water to quell the spicy taste. However, if you are used to authentic Indian or Thai food, the level of spiciness in Sichuan food should be no problem at all. But I must mention that Sichuan food also makes heavy use of Sichuan pepper (花椒; huajiao), which looks like but is not a true peppercorn⼲胡椒, and causes your mouth/lips to become somewhat numb. Sichuan pepper is added in most spicy dishes. If you can eat/prefer spicy food but do not like Sichuan pepper, you need to order so (不要花椒; bu yao huajiao). However, authentic Sichuan tastes commonly used both Sichuan pepper and chili peppers in proportion, so I strongly recommend you to try the authentic versions with the Sichuan pepper before making your decision.
seasame oil[?ses?mi]芝⿇油/⾹油sesame paste
乌尤尼盐沼天空之镜soybean sauce/milk/curd Stinky tofu 臭⾖腐oyster['?ist?] sauce耗油knead [ni:d] vt. 揉合,揉捏dough [d?u] n.⽣⾯团
flour ['flau?]n. ⾯粉vt. 撒粉于;把…磨成粉
To sprinkle a pinch of spring onion/ a spoon of chili pepper powder on……Heavy taste I dislike the food with strong flavor. garlic⼤蒜ginger⽣姜slice [slais] n.薄⽚vt.将…切成薄⽚
Pork ribs排⾻sweet and sour 糖醋sugar and vinegar ['viniɡ?]
The spiciest food in Chengdu is hotpot (also called steampot or steamboat), although its tradition originated in Chongqing, yet it is quite popular in Chengdu. Sichuan hotpots are basically a big pot of
spicy soup and spices simmering in a hole in the middle of your table. While the hot pot keeping simmering, ingredients have already placed into the pot. Patron s['peitr?
n]choose from a large selection of meats, vegetables and other add-ins(beverage ['bev?rid?];alcoholic drink;liquor烈酒). Most popular includes: lamb, mushrooms, beef, tofu, quail [kweil] eggs鹌鹑蛋, potatoes and various others (pork , fish balls, carrots, and even pig's brain!) You can choose spicy pot or non spicy pot. With spicy hot pots, unlike eanstern hot pots, the soup is NOT for drinking; instead, fish out捞出your cooked items with chopsticks (do not fish the liquid out with a spoon, it is too spicy even for locals to drink; the fished out vegetables are spicy enough), dip them in the small dish/bowl of oil provided to each person, and just enjoy.
There are also a lot of weird/marvellous local snacks, such as spicy dragon prawns⿇辣龙虾(look like very small
crayfish['krei,fi?]⼩龙虾), spicy snails (⾹辣⽥螺), Chongqing duck neck (九九鸭脖⼦), Bangbang chicken(棒棒鸡), spicy rabbit
meat(⼆兔丁). All of them are so delicious and you must try them. But you need to ask a local to take you to the right place. Quite often you may find that some small restaurants and shops offer the most delicious and cheapest food. If you want to find even cheaper food options, street venders ⼩摊贩(food trail美⾷之路sidewalk snack booth)are the way to go. Serving everything from barbeque (烧烤) / steamed buns/ steamed breadrolls(馒头), they are a cheap and offer a great option for a quick bite to eat.
Chenmapo soybean curd⾖腐
Chenmapo was created in 1862 at first. The store which was called Chen Xingsheng Restaurant firstly was set near the North Wanfu Bridge outside Chengdu.
And then,the small hotel was conducted by his wife (the wife of shop-owner)because the storekeeper early died. The boss was called Chenmapo because of the pock-marks on her face. She was good at cooking the domestic dishes of Sichuan, particularly make the bean curd and she had a set of special cooking technique.
The color and flavors of the bean curd are completed, it was outstanding and deeply got people fancy. Therefore,so many people came to try it. It was listed as the famous delicious food of Chengdu at the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is also famous now and is apart more than 140 years from now. The other dishes of Sichuan taste also get the people to approve. It also spreads its fame from home to the outside world and gets both domestic and international hearties’/gourmets’complement.
词汇:gourmet ['ɡu?mei]美⾷家
hearty['hɑ:ti] n. 朋友们;伙伴们adj. 衷⼼的;精神饱满的
杭州乐园游玩攻略一日游client ['klai?nt] n. [经]客户;顾客;委托⼈
habitue [h?'bitjuei] n. 常客;有毒瘾的⼈
Patrons ['peitr?n] n.赞助⼈,主顾
Lai tang yuan sticky rice dumplings
Lai tang yuan was named after the boss of the the Old Store⽼店Laiyuanxing赖源鑫. And it was created firstly in the period of
Guangxu at the end of Qing Dynasty and it is apart from now for more than 100 years.
Firstly, people picked the load to walk a lane of street and sell Lai tang yuan by hawking, and then set the store management. In order to achieve the anticipating goodness, the manufacture pays atte
ntion to its quantity and quality.
hawk [h?:k]vt/vi.①兜售,沿街叫卖;②捕捉;③咳嗽,清嗓
n. 鹰(派成员);掠夺他⼈的⼈
lane [lein] n. ⼩巷;航线;车道;[篮球]罚球区
The Zhong dumplings
The Zhong dumplings were created firstly in the 19th year of Guangxu. It is famous in and outside the world because of its special skin—excellently thin and soft, and its stuffing is quite delicate with fresh pork and green vegetables , and the salty and sweet flavor of the the soup makes it even better. A bowl of Zhong dumplings looks lusterous red and bright. It has been gotten the pride of its Old Store in Sichuan China.
词汇:lustrous ['l?str?s]adj. 有光泽的;光辉的
glossy ['ɡl?si] adj. 光滑的;有光泽的
luster ['l?st?] n. 光泽;光彩vi. 有光泽;发亮vt. 使有光泽
stuffing ['st?fi?]n. 填料,填塞物
夫妻肺⽚The chopped beef in chili sauce
Tasty pork ear slice
Choose carefully the pig ears without the blood and hairs to take as raw material.It is salty and sweet and takes tiny vinegar flavor,it makes your appetite increased greatly.
词汇:chewy ['t?u:i]adj. 柔软⽽会黏着的;有嚼劲的
affectionate remembrance [?'fek??n?t] adj. (充满)深情的 longing n. 渴望,憧憬retrospect ['retr?uspekt] n./ vi/vt回顾(想),追溯(忆)
十渡风景区门票价格The Liaoji red oil rabbit slice
Choose the first-class and white rabbit, and then chop the rabbit meat to be 1.5 CM
(centimeter) squar e,then adjust the right amount of soybean sauce, refined sugar, wild pepper powder, the red pepper oil, then puts the rabbit slices into the pan. The
prosperous dish would be decorated by spring onion and some shelled peanut. The
tender rabbit meat is tremendously delicate and tasty because of the fresh meat and lustorous red chili oil, and its spiciness is just right.
词汇:spiciness ['spaisinis] n.⾹馥,⾟辣
prosperous ['pr?sp?r?s] adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的
Ma Po Do Fu (tofu topped with a bit of minced beef, floating in chili bean sauce)
mince [mins] vt. 切碎n. 切碎物
Gong Bao Ji Ding(a dish of spicy chicken known even overseas) come from Chengdu, where chili is as common at mealtime as rice across the rest of China.
Chuanchuanxiang is a kind of spicy hot snack in China, somewhat like hot pot. Sliced raw meats, edible offals (entrails and internal organs), and vegetables are impaled on bamboo skewers, and we should dip them into a pan with boiling spicy soup mounted above a heating device.
edible ['edibl] adj. 可⾷⽤的n. ⾷品(物)offal ['?f?l] n. 内脏;垃圾;碎屑;⼯业下脚impale [im'peil] vt. 刺穿;钉住
skewer ['skju?] n. 烤⾁叉⼦;串⾁扦;vt. 刺穿;串住
Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base Mount Emei
Profound Buddhist Culture
Golden Summit
Devotion to the Country Temple (Baoguosi) The culture relic of Sanxing Ruins Sanxing Site The sun and immortal bird
Chunxi Road
Tianfu square

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