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AOK three-column type fluidized bed water softener equipment is composed of exchange tower,a regeneration tower,washing tower,soluble salt,soft water pump,injector, valves,piping etc..Mainly used for softening water treatment,using sodium cation exchange resin for the removal of calcium and magnesium ions in the water,reduce water hardness,so as to achieve the purpose of softening hard water to avoid the carbonate in the pipeline,vessel,boiler fouling.Low investment costs and ensure smooth production.It is the biggest characteristic does not need to stop the bed regeneration and cleaning,and can continuously supply water,adapt to the current most units without stopping production needs.In the tower type fluidized bed based on an additional exchange tower is formed of four tower flow bed,is the main characteristics of raw water by two ion exchange resin by two stage exchange tow
er, repeated use,thus the resin utilization rate is high,the effluent quality is better, the effluent residual hardness:<0.0025mmol/L.
And operating velocity:20-30m3water hardness:<5mmol/L effluent residual hardness:<0.03mmol/L resin models:001x7regeneration agent(NaCl)consumption: 76g/mol water quality requirements:suspended solids than5mg/L,0.3mg/L,active chlorine iron content is less than or equal to0.3mg/
A,run(exchange),regenerating,cleaning using countercurrent exchange technology, to maximize the efficiency of ion exchange resin.Exchange tower water distribution system with uniform speed uniform flow design,completely overcome the general equipment drift phenomenon,so that switching tower resin orderly falling,water and resin cutting bottom exchange,ensure stable water quality of effluent.B,make full use of the fluid theory,so that a large number of complicated work in jet process. Completely eliminate the fixed bed due to the workload.The full realization of the whole process automation.C,at the same time,the exchange resin regeneration, cleaning at the same time,does not
need to be periodically stop bed regenerating, cleaning,the continuous operation of equipment,soft water everfount estate. Simplified fixed bed bed,wash,backwashing stop timing regeneration program.D, soft water quality stability,high quality,soft water hardness with more than three low-pressure boiler standard.E,automatic extraction of salt salt dissolving device, replacing hair artificial infusing saline,the traditional manual mixing soluble salt,salt stability into regeneration system.Eliminating salt water which enterprises solve the failure rate of frequent headache.Save equipment investment and the area.F,a device for continuous operation,to avoid the traditional
equipment of continuous water requires large amounts of soft water tank or two equipment rotation using malpractice,reduce equipment investment,reduce the occupied area of the equipment.G,independent water purifying device,coupled with a unique discharge air device,avoids the water pollution two,so that the water softener water clean,save the exchange equipment filtration equipment.H,unique flow resistance type water retaining baffle plate,to ensure uniform resin drop, prevent the flow deflection or straight up,produce random bed reaction and effects on water quality.I,low energy consumption,make full use of the raw water,only one water pump can make the equipment run continuously,without recoil Xian Beng, simplifies the process flow and excess of complex piping,even if the operation is simple and saves investment.J,all parts,parts of the materials
have unique research,different parts of the material,so as to achieve its corrosion resistant, durable,beautiful and unique effect.K,fluidized bed from the aspects of the unique and reasonable design,through practical use proves that the equipment is currently the most ideal water treatment equipment.Its comprehensive performance than the fixed bed and automatic ion exchanger is more excellent
A,ion exchange fluidized bed water treatment device adopts the principle of ion exchange to water hardness,in exchange tower when ion exchange resin and water meet, water calcium magnesium,Ca2+Mg2+plasma and resin(NaR)reaction,thereby removing the water calcium magnesium salts,so that hard water to soft water.B, regeneration of the resin by exchange resin from the exchange tower layer-by-layer fall,at the bottom of the tower absorption for calcium and magnesium in water saturated resin with a special device was delivered to the regeneration tower and water countercurrent exchange,reducing Cheng Xinsheng resin exchange capacity, recovery.The cleaning tower dilution after cleaning,by the injector to resin to exchange tower,so that continuous non-stop work,soft water everfount estate.C, production of soft water in the system by adding ion exchange resin and regeneration with salt,switch on the original water and soft water pump power supply,raw water from the lower part of the tower is entered from the exchange,resin exchange tower under the tribe.In the tower,resin and water exchange,gradually softened water from 番禺地图
the upper part of the tower,qualified by soft pipe output,intended for production use.In general,the level of sodium ion hree tower fluidized bed),exchange rate99.6%,water hardness degree<0.03mmol/L.

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