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Nanning, the capital of Guangxi Province, is located in Southern Guangxi, which Yongjiang River runs. Nanning has a history of over 1680 years and Nanning was set as the capital city of Guangxi in 1958.北京有哪些地方值得去玩
As an important gateway to Southeast Asia, Nanning is a hub, a regional center and an opening city that plays an active role in the communication between China and Asian countries.
With the development of economy, Nanning attaches great important to improving natural environment and it enjoys the reputation of “the Green City of China” because of its green coverage in the country.
1.青秀山Mount Qingxiu of Nanning
昆嵛山国家森林公园清秀山风景区位于南宁市东南面约五公里,南临邕江,是国家AAAA级旅游区。包括凤凰岭,凤翼岭和青秀山,海拔高度八十二米至一百八十九米。景区内山峦起伏,峰叠翠,山上绿树成荫,四季常绿,且泉清石奇,被誉为“南宁市的绿肺”。    青秀山    青秀山又名青山
、泰青岭。古“邕州八景”之一。素以“山不高而秀,水不深而清”着称,因林木青翠,山势秀拔而得名。山上林木茂盛,遮天蔽日,清风吹过时,发出海涛般的声浪,形成青山着名景观——青山松涛。    青秀山自东南连亘西北,与凤凰岭、铜鼓岭、凤翼岭相连,雄奇秀技,古树参天。山上有岩有洞,岩幽壁峭,泉水甘例。自宋开拓,建白云、万寿、独孤诸寺。有纪念御史王守仁在南宁办学之德,于崖壁刻“阳明先生过化之地”;有为董传策而筑的“洞虚亭”、“白云精舍”和“董泉亭”,后建有龙象塔、俩宜亭、盼鸥亭、浩浩亭、真经阁、竹味精舍、青秀山房、步云门、云天阁等亭台楼阁;还有海天一览、塔影凌虚、狮林、荷花伴月、翠屏飞瀑、子夜松风、泰青远眺、山间花港、古榕抱石、千步廊等风景名胜景点。是南宁的旅游胜地。    龙象塔    龙象塔矗立在青秀山顶上,俗称青山塔,它是青秀山的象征。    龙象塔始建于明万历年间,共有九层,后被雷电击塌了两层,抗日战争期间政府认为此塔是日机轰炸南宁的“航标”,就把它炸掉了。到八十年代中期重新修建。现在的龙象塔保留了明代建筑风格,青砖碧瓦,八角叠檐,塔有九层,高60米,塔基直径12米,有207级旋梯,为广西最高最大的塔。登上塔顶,可眺望远近一二十里的风光,南宁城景更是一览无遗。
良凤江国家森林公园Liangfengjiang National Forest Park法国旅游景点图片?
    公园拥有华南地区最大的植物标本园、中国唯一阴阳合一的佛教圣树—菩提树、中国第二大滑草场、广西最大的森林野战俱乐部,以及蝴蝶奇石馆。      介 绍    良凤江森林公园位于南宁市南郊友谊路,距市中心14.5公里。    整个公园由菩提大观园、植物王国、游乐世界三部分组成,细分为:菩提佛光、双狮拜佛、树木家园、阳光部落、八卦水域、休闲河州、雨林天簌、热情地带、绿岛龙珠、原始落等十个各具特性的景点。可满足游客游览、烧烤、登山、划船、垂钓、游泳、森林浴、会议、度假、科普、科研、文化娱乐、集体活动等不同需要。    菩提大观园:园内有天下奇树—中国唯一阴阳合一的姻缘菩提树以及与大自然结合得非常完美的星级度假山庄—菩提山庄。    植物王国:是清奇的水泊林野。1700多种千姿百态的树种,在良凤江边葱郁成林,是华南地区最大的树木标本园。也是林木科普、教学实习、科研以及影视外景拍摄的重要基地。这里除了可欣赏到各种各样的森林奇观,负离子含量极高还是名副其实的“天然氧吧”、“森林浴场”。    游乐世界:有最新的美式森林野战,可“全副武装”在“林弹雨”中过把“战瘾”。可以乘木筏休闲河洲游、尽情的领略大自然的风光、还可欣赏各种珍奇的野生植物。也可以去多情谷探险,尽享“穿越丛林”“野外求生”带来的无穷乐趣。马来西亚自由行5天费用
Nanning welcomes visitors from all over the world. Its beautiful subtropical scenery and exotic ethnic minority culture have been attracting millions of tourists for years.
Qingxiu mountain in Nanning about five kilometers to the southeast of the Yongjiang river,
which is known as "the giant lung of Nanning ". qingxiu mountain, also called qing mountain. It’s famous for the plants and beautfull scenery, and is a main entertainment place for nanning people. The mountain is not very high but very beautfull, and the water there are very clean and clear. The forest in the mountain are very big, can blot out the sun, when there is a wind, sounds of trees shaking just like the sounds from the sea, it’s a famous scene. The forest in the mountain are very big, can blot out the sun, when there is a wind, sounds of trees shaking just like the sounds from the sea, it’s a famous scene. Qingxiu mountain scenic area was formed in ming dynasty ,and was badly destroyed in world war 2, after liberation, the government paid a lot attention on rebuilt this scenic area, rebuilt the longxiang pagoda , tianchi and so on , at the same time , built some new scenic spots.
Nanhu Lake Park is located in the southeast of Nanning City and features aquatic sceneries(水上景观) and subtropical gardening landscapes. It covers an area of 1.3 square kilometers (about 0.5 square miles) and a quarter of the whole park is covered by the lake.Nanhu Lake is an ideal place to entertain yourself. In the park, you can fully appreciate the views of various plants, such as Pinang(槟榔树) , Chinese fan palms, and other tropical trees. Nanhu Lake was once a brook connected to a river but during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), a major flood occurred and submerged the surrounding fields and houses, which was how Nanhu Lake was created.In addition, there is a museum set up in 1984 to commemorate two uprisings in history. It was constructed in the Guangxi folk style which is also of tourist value.
Guangxi Ethnic Relics Center, occupying an area of 24,000 square meters (about 28,704 yards), is an outdoor exhibition center that combined with knowledge and entertainment. It features relics, folk buildings, ethnic flavor, and folk customs of four minorities, Zhuang, Dong, Yao, and Miao.
Upon entering the central gate, one will see a huge timbal(巨鼓) which is a wonderful achievement of the bronze culture(青铜文化) in ancient China, with a history of more than 2,700 years. There are more than 320 timbals in the centre, among which the Yunleiwen Timbal(云雷纹鼓) is the largest in the world. It weighs around 300 kilograms (about 661 pounds), with a diameter of 165 centimeters (about 65 inches) and stands 67.5 centimete
rs (about 26.5 inches) in height.Typical buildings of several minorities can be seen here, such as dwelling houses of Zhuang people, bamboo buildings of the Yao‘s(瑶族竹楼), houses constructed on water by the Miao people(苗族吊脚楼) and finally, the drum-towers of Dong people(侗族鼓楼). Their daily utensils and handicrafts are also displayed in each respective model house. Various folk performances will be shown during festivals. This is where one can fully appreciate the enchanting and unique customs of the minorities of Guangxi.Accommodation is available to visitors in the centre as well.

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标签:南宁   中国   位于   广西   森林   植物   南宁市   龙象
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