南宁青秀山风景区 英语导游词

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Qingxiu Hill Scenic Area
无锡惠山古镇景点介绍Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today we will pay a visit to Qingxiu Hill Scenic Area. First of all, I’d like to give you a general idea about Qingxiu Hill.
In the southern suburban of Nanning and five kilometers to the city proper, Qingxiu Hill Scenic Area, which is green all the year round, was also one of the eight scenic spots of old Nanning. The White Cloud Temple was built in the Song Dynasty; and the Dragon and Elephant Pagoda, in the Ming Dynasty, which was later destroyed in the war. In 1985, the city government renovated the Heavenly Pond, Dragon and Elephant Pagoda, Dong Spring, Phoenix Pagoda, Water and Moon Temple, stele Corridor and other scenic spots totaling more than 20. 大熊猫去世名单
Heavenly Pond, at the center of the hill, has pavilions and corridors on its banks. On its southern bank is a long corridor leading to Dragon Elephant Pagoda at the top of the hill. the nine-story pagoda is octagonal, 60 meters high. The diameter at the bottom of the pagoda is 12 meters. A winding staircase with 207 steps leads to the top of the pagoda. it is
the highest pagoda in Guangxi.北京时间校准在线
Walking from Dragon and Elephant Pagoda, one comes to Dong Spring, where historical scholars of various schools often gathered. An official of the Ming whose surname is Dong loved to make and read poems there. Later the people dug a spring and erected a tablet to commemorate him. Hence the name Dong Spring.
Dear guests, have you felt that walking through the Qingxiu Hill Scenic Area is like walking into greenery? Look, undulating mountains are covered with luxuriant vegetation and their slopes with green carpets. Ornamental plants flourish in a pretty, deliberate disorder in its valleys and by the pools. What a fantastic landscape it is!掌上莱州招聘信息网
Ok, ladies and gentlemen, you may like to take some pictures. I hope you have enjoyed your stay here.

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