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摘  要:自海南省步入“十二五”规划以来,全省以科学发展观为指导,因地制宜打造中国旅游业改革创新试验区和世界一流的海岛休闲度假旅游目的地,积极推进产业转型,构建旅游发展新格局,为海南省旅游服务贸易的开展带来了很多时代机遇。如何在下一个五年计划中,更好的提升海南省旅游服务贸易竞争力,回顾和总结“十二五”和“十三五”期间旅游业的发展状况和遗留问题,从而部署未来海南旅游业的发展方向和政策落实及相关规划安排成为海南省政府部门、旅游企业管理层等不同主体需要思考的关键课题。因此,本文着重讨论“海南省旅游服务贸国际竞争力”展开主题探讨。首先,在服务贸易的理论基础上对旅游服务贸易进行了相关的界定,其次,客观梳理海南旅游服务贸易现状,最后,根据海南省的发展现状,提出了相关的发展对策:加强政策扶持力度;培养专业人才,提高旅游服务质量;强化市场营销,打造海南旅游特;续优化旅游服务社会环境,从政府扶持到旅游业要素升级、市场营销、旅游公共服务体系等方面打好基础,从而全面提升海南省旅游业的发展水平和质量。
Study on the international competitiveness of tourism service trade in Hainan Province
Abstract:Since Hainan Province stepped into the 12th Five Year Plan, guided by the scientific outlook on development, the province has built China's tourism reform and innovation pilot area and the world's first-class Island Leisure and holiday tourism destination according to local conditions, actively promoted the industrial transformation and constructed a new pattern of tourism development, bringing many opportunities for the development of tourism service trade in Hainan Province. In the next five-year plan, how to better enhance the competitiveness of Hainan's tourism service trade, review and summarize the development status and remaining problems of the tourism industry during the 12th Five Year Plan period, so as to deploy the development direction, policy implementation and relevant planning arrangements of Hainan's tourism industry during the 13th five year plan period has become the key to be considered by the government d
西安旅游3天攻略epartments of Hainan Province, the management of tourism enterprises and other different subjects Topic. Therefore, this paper focuses on the theme of "the international competitiveness of tourism service trade in Hainan Province". First of all, based on the theory of service trade, it defines the tourism service trade. Secondly, it objectively combs the current situation of Hainan tourism service trade. Finally, according to the development situation of Hainan Province, it puts forward the relevant development countermeasures to strengthen the policy support, cultivate professional talents, improve the quality of tourism service, strengthen the marketing, create the tourism characteristics of Hainan, and continue to optimize The social environment of tourism service, from the government support to the upgrading of tourism elements, marketing, tourism public service system and other aspects to lay a good foundation, so as to comprehensively improve the level and quality of tourism development in Hainan Province.
Key words:Hainan ; tourism service trade; international competitiveness

雁荡山一日游多少钱1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究意义
1.2.1 理论意义
1.2.2 实际意义

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