history of american immigratio

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鑫兆雅园history of american immigratio
西冲和杨梅坑哪个好玩桂林加勒比罗山湖水乐园The United States is known as the "melting pot of race". In a sense, the history of the United States is a history of immigration. From the beginning of the founding of the United States to the present, the history of immigration continues. 
At the time of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the total population of the United States was only 3.9 million. Except 760000 blacks, the rest were basically white. The United States' immigration policy is also changing over time. From the 18th century to the early 19th century, a large number of Germans and Scots poured into the United States, causing panic among Americans. Germans have a strong mother tongue complex, while Scots have a bad habit of drinking too much. In order to prevent these immigrants from becoming one and posing a threat to the Republic, in 1798, the U.S. Congress passed the alien rebellion punishment act to prevent the emergence of a "country within a state". Later, the Napoleonic War and the Anglo American war greatly cooled the immigration fever, and Americans' panic about immigrants gradually weakened. In addition, the United
States has formulated a series of policies to restrict immigration. From 1796 to 1815, the average number of immigrants from Europe to the United States was only about 3000 per year.
After the Napoleonic War, Europe regained peace, a large number of soldiers retired, and the unemployment rate in European countries soared. As a result, the United States has become a good export to alleviate European social problems. At this time, the United States was in great need of a large number of talents and labor. Therefore, the immigration policy was much looser than before. From 1820 to 1860, it was the first wave of immigration in American history. About 5 million immigrants poured into the United States. Most of the immigrants in this period were English, Irish and German, and a small number of Asian immigrants. Such a large number of immigrants once again stirred up a trend of xenophobia in the United States.
三亚旅游计划From 1860 to 1880, the United States set off a second wave of immigrants, mainly from Scandinavia, China and South America, up to 5million. After the civil war, the United State
牛栏山一中地址s ushered in the peak period of industrialization. These immigrants were an important force in the western development and railway construction. President Lincoln was a very open-minded man. He repeatedly lobbied Congress, and finally Congress passed the law on encouraging immigrants. According to statistics, in 1870, 17000 Chinese searched for gold in the United States. This number is still expanding with the passage of time. Immigration will inevitably bring about the collision between different cultures and races. This process is like making iron in a furnace. At first, it must not be plain sailing.
The third immigration climax was from 1881 to 1920. Although the Chinese Exclusion Act appeared in 1882, it did not prevent the Chinese from entering the United States. During this period, the number of immigrants soared to 23.5 million. In 1907 alone, there were 1.285 million immigrants. Although the U.S. government is somewhat uneasy in this wave of immigration and has legislated many times to restrict immigration, the trend of immigration has continued unabated.
With the influx of immigrants, the number of Americans finally exceeded 100million in 1920.
These three waves of immigration in the history of the United States have changed the history of the United States, making the United States rise rapidly in just over a hundred years. Moreover, immigration has changed the character of the United States, making the United States more inclusive and free. Immigrants have provided the United States with a large number of labor and technical personnel, and promoted the development of American economy and culture. Many immigrants have paid the price of hard work and even their lives for the industrialization of the United States.
However, in this process, the US government has been repellent and vigilant to immigrants. From 1815 to 1882, the United States implemented a completely free immigration system. However, since 1882, the United States began to worry about the growing number of immigrants, so it introduced one strange policy after another, trying to restrict and make things difficult for immigrants. After 1920, the United States ended the era of free immigration and implemented a quota limited immigration policy.
After World War II, the attitude of the United States towards immigrants became tolerant
and rational. The U.S. government and most people recognized the contribution of immigrants to the United States. Today, it is difficult to immigrate to the United States. If you are not an outstanding talent, then you must be rich enough to invest in the United States; If you are not very rich, as long as your spouse is a citizen of the United States, you have a great opportunity to immigrate; If none of the above conditions are met, then your family, traveling in the United States, happens to have a child on the mainland of the United States, and the child can become a U.S. citizen

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