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Trad. attrib. to:  Li Shan 李山 (mid-12th to early 13th century)
Title: Travelers among the Fir-Pines
Songshan xinglü tu
Dynasty/Date:  Jin, early 13th century
Format: Hanging scroll mounted on panel
Medium: Ink on silk
Dimensions: 164.1 x 107.4 cm (64 5/8 x 42 5/16 in)
Credit line: Gift of Charles Lang Freer
Accession no.: F1916.552
Provenance: K.T. Wong, Shanghai
Label slip:Unidentified. Qingteng shuwu [Studio of Green Vines]1
Mounted on back of panel. Ink on brown paper.
10 characters, clerical script; plus six smaller characters, running script.
Travelers among the Fir-Pines, by Li Shan of the Jin dynasty; a genuine work. Treasured in the collection of Qingteng shuwu [Studio of Green Vines].
兰州周边旅游Painting: Unsigned, with no artist inscription or seals.
Superscription:Xu Lin 徐璘 (early to mid-19th century)2
Ink on silk. Mounted on back of panel.
Dimensions: 21.5 x 108.8 cm (8-1/2 x 42-7/8 in)
Center text:  Title. Four characters, standard script.
Luxuriant Groves and Distant Peaks
Right text:    6 columns; running script.
Li Shan held the rank of Director of Palace Library, and throughout his life was fond of making pictures of wind and snow in the firs and pines.3―His brushwork was free and natur al‖ and the spiritual resonance [of his paintings] was simple and bold, ―achieving a most refined effect,‖ while his ink was heavily saturated and ―went beyond t he narrow path.‖4 His intent lay somewhere betw
een Guo Xi [1001–1090] and Dong Beiyuan [Dong Yuan, died 960]. [Titled] and recorded by Xu Qiucha [Xu Lin] of Hailing.
Signature: 徐秋槎
Xu Qiucha
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Qiucha『秋查』(circle relief)– upper right
Xu Lin yinxin『徐璘印信』(square intaglio-relief)– bottom left
携程旅行网址Left text:  7 columns; running script.
丙辰秋七月上瀚,偶過蘭翁齋中,出示此畫属題。余觀畫譜,李山同名者有三 : 唐李山、有金李山、
During the first decade of the seventh lunar-month in the bingchen year [August 1–10, 1856],5 I happened to visit the studio of Old Lan [unidentified], who brought out this painting and requested a colophon. I have looked through the registers of painters and there are three who share the name Li Shan: a Li Shan from the Tang dynasty, a Li Shan from the Jin dynasty, and a Li Shan from the Kangxi reign period, who was skilled at painting with his fingers. The ink of this painting is deep and thick6 while the brushwork is free and natural, which is not something that Li Shan of the Jin dynasty could have achieved. In my opinion the painting has the style and flavor of the Tang, so I conclude that it is by Li Shan of the Tang dynasty. What does Mister Lanzhou think about this? Authenticated and requesting your graceful instruction, inscribed again by Xu Lin.
Signature:  徐璘
Xu Lin
Date:  丙辰秋七月上瀚
First decade of the seventh lunar-month in the bingchen year [August 1–10,
Seals: (3)
Qiucha shi『秋查氏』(square relief)– upper right
Xu Qiucha yin『徐秋查印』(square relief)– lower left
Xu Lin zhi ji『徐璘之記』(square intaglio)– lower left
Collector seals:(14)
1. Mi Fu 米芾 (1051–1107) – (1) – fake
Chuguo Mi Fu『楚國米芾』(square relief)– upper left国外旅游价格表
2. Xiang Yuanbian (1525–1590)  – (3) – genuine?
Zijing fu yin『子京父印』(square relief)– lower left
Molin shanren『墨林山人』(square intaglio)– lower left苏州自驾游攻略
Xiang Molin fu miji zhi yin『項墨林父秘笈之印』(rectangle relief)– lower left 3. Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96) – (5)
Qianlong yulan zhi bao『乾隆御覽之寶』(oval relief)– top middle
Baoji chongbian『寶笈重編』(square intaglio)– upper right
Shiqu dingjian『石渠定鑑』(circle relief)– upper right
Shiqu baoji『石渠寶笈』(rectangle relief)– lower right
Sanxitang jingjian xi『三希堂精鑑璽』(rectangle relief)– upper left
4. Xu Lin 徐璘 (early to mid-19th century) – (1)
Xu Qiucha shangjian yin『徐秋槎賞鑑印』(rectangle relief)– lower right
5. Chen Baojin 陳寶晉 (ca. 1790s–after 1867) – (1)
Shouwu guoyan『守吾過眼』(rectangle intaglio)– lower right
6. Unidentified – (3)
Yuexing yiqing『說性怡情』(oval relief)– upper right
Bingxue qianshen『冰雪前身』(square intaglio)– lower right
Yunxi laoren『雲西老人』(square relief)7– bottom right
Traditional Chinese catalogues: none
Selected Bibliography:
Gookin, Frederick William (1854–1936), comp. The Art Institute of Chicago: Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Paintings, Sculptures, and Jade Objects from the Collection Formed by Charles Lang Freer. November 15 to December 8, 1917. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1917. P. 13, no. 4.
Sirén, Osvald (1879–1966). Chinese Paintings in American Collections. 5 vols. Paris and Brussels: G. van Oest, 1928. Vol. 2, plate 53.
__________. A History of Early Chinese Painting. 2 vols. London: The Medici Society, 1933. Vol. 2, plate 73.
__________. Chinese Painting: Leading Masters and Principles. 7 vols. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1958. Vol. 3, plate 321.

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