四川省成都市2014高考英语 完形填空、阅读理解精品系列(14)

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A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can be enjoyed,read and __21__.信可以欣赏,读了再读。 It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart (远离的); it can keep a __22__稍微努力就能保持住一种友谊。 with very little effort.
I will give __23__.我举个例子。 A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting __24__.我与哥哥不太和睦。 We had been close为35题设伏。 as __25__我们小时候关系很亲密,但长大后就分开了。 but had grown apart.Our meetings① were not __26__;我们的会面是不愉快的。 our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels;为24,26题提供暗示。and every effort to clear the air② seemed to only __27__只会加深我们之间的误解。 our misunderstanding.Then he __28__他后来搬到了一个小岛上去住。 a small island in the Caribbean and we __29__从此我们就失去了联系。 touch.One day he wrote me a letter.He described his island and its people,told me what he was doing,said how he felt,and encouraged me to __30__.鼓励我也给他写信。 Rereading 词语复现。为
21题提供暗示。 the letter,I was __31__哥哥在信中所表现出的幽默感和使用的那些明智的措词让我吃惊。by its humor(幽默)and clever为34题设伏。expressions.These were all qualities for which I had __32__因为这些品质我以前才尊敬哥哥。 respected my older brother but __33__但现在以为他已不具有这些品质。 he no longer had them.I had never known he could write so __34__.我以前从不知道他信写得那么好。 And with that one letter we became friends __35__.自从收到那封信后,我们又成了好朋友。
It might never have occurred to③ __36__我哥哥可能从来没想到。 to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no __37__.哥哥生活在一个孤岛上,没有电话。词语复现,是下文phone的原词复现。 For him,writing was a necessity.It also turned
out④ to be the best way for us to get back in touch.为29题提供暗示。 Because we live in an age of __38__我们这个时代通讯是很方便的。 communication (通讯),people often __39__人们很容易忘记他们不用总是打电话或发。that they don’t always have to phone or email.They have a __40__.他们还有别的方法,那就是写信。此处为词语复现,是前文(the best) way的同义词。 And that is to write.
阿根廷vs巴西直播23.A.an example  B.a lesson  C.an experience  D.a talk
24.A.through    B.together      C.along  D.away
25.A.brothers  B.children      C.fellows  D.classmates 26.A.normal      B.necessary    C.pleasant        D.possible
27.A.deepen  B.start      C.express  D.settle 28.A.toured  B.stopped over  C.reached          D.moved to 29.A.lost  B.kept in  C.needed          D.got in 30.A.think      B.write  C.enjoy  D.read
31.A.driven  B.beaten    C.surprised  D.honored
32.A.never      B.seldom    C.sometimes  D.once
33.A.realized      B.judged  C.thought      D.expected
34.A.well      B.often  C.much  D.soon
35.A.later      B.anyhow  C.too  D.again
36.A.us  B.anyone  C.someone  D.my brother
37.A.mail services  B.transport services C.phones  D.relatives 38.A.poor  B.easy  C.popular      D.busy
39.A.believe    B.decide  C.argue  D.forget五岳寨一日游攻略
40.A.habit  B.choice    C.method  D.plan
21.D 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.B
26.C 27.A 28.D 29.A 30.B
31.C 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.D
36.D 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.C
宜春一日游适合去哪里②clear the air固定短语,“尽释前嫌;消除隔阂或误解”。
③occur to sb“某人会想到”。
④turned out to be“被证明是;后来证明是”。
It might never have occurred to my brother to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no phones.
Not even three years ago, the Treo 650 smart phone looked revolutionary. But its latest successor, the Treo 755p Palm was made public two weeks ago, feels more like a relic.
T he Treo’s basic concept—uniting a cellphone, hand-held organizer, miniaturized keyboard, touch-sensitive screen, Web and e-mail access and media playback in one device---makes sense. But while competitors have advanced, Palm has been napping on the train tracks.
The new Treo 755p gets online faster than last year’s model. Its basic design features few changes from the 2004 version; its dimensions almost match those of the
2003 edition. And its operating system and software for desktop synchronization received their last major updates in 2002.
Over that same period of time, almost every other hand-held device---Windows Mobile smart phones, Black Berrys, iPods and even plain old cellphones ---has seen major upgrades in capability and notable shrinkage in size.
The Treo 755p(available form Sprint for $280 after a $100 mail-in rebate and with a two-year contract) only cements Palm’s status as the sick ma n of the smart phone business. After wasting most of this decade on pointless reorganizations and a disastrous spinoff of its software-development group, this company appears to have reached a state of creative bankruptcy.
As a basic organizer, the 755p remains pleasant to use. It’s like a second brain that remembers details that might otherwise slip your mind. It can pluck useful bits of data off the Internet as needed. It can also run thousands of useful programs, many free, which enhance its utility and entertainment value.
But you could say the same, basically, of its immensely popular predecessors. This new model’s main selling point--- a cellular Internet connection that runs as fast as most entry-level home broadband connections and can connect with    a Bluetooth-equipped computer---already debuted on last year’s Treo 700p.
53.  What’s the author’s opinion about the Treo 650?
A. Negative
B. Positive
云南4天3晚旅游攻略C. Critical
D. Depressive
54.  What’s the feature of Treo 755p?
A. It’s a multi-function device.
B. It has a touch-sensitive screen
C. It can be used to send e-mails
D. It is a cellphone.
55.  What can we infer from the 4th paragraph?
A. Windows Mobile smart phones have upgrades in capability.
B. The Treo has little progress compared with other hand-held device.
C. Black Berrys have the best capability compared with others.
D. IPods are the smallest size and the best capability.
56.  Which of the following is not the advantage the 755p has?
A. It can help us remember some details.
B. It can store information form the Internet.
C. It can be used to run some programmes.
D. It has a great improvement in size.
参考答案  53-56  BABD
EM Media was created in 2001 to be the Regional Screen Agency (RSA) for the East Midlands. EM Media began trading in April 2002, following the appointments of Ian Squires, EM Media’s inaugural Chair; Chief Executive, Ken Hay, a full board complement and an executive senior management team. EM Media was formed from the joint of three existing organizations and a project: East Midlan
ds Screen Commission( EMSC), Midlands Media Training Consortium (MMTC—East Midlands), the film staff from Arts Council England, East Midlands and the East Midlands Media Investment fund (EMMI),all of which joined with the newly recruited senior team to form EM Media.
We have reviewed the focus and purpose of EM Media’s activities in the coming three years. Clarity about the “end game”, that is, what we want to see as a result of our intervention has defined the shape of our business and action plan, as we move forwards.
In terms of EM Media’s structure we are looking at operating a flatter staffing structure which is more suitable to our size and shape. Internal lines of communication and reporting have been clarified to enable us to be fast to act, within the strong currents of a fast moving industry and to enable prospective clients and partners to navigate us with greater ease. We are not planning significant expansion or contraction of the staff team; however, to deliver some of the significant projects we have in the pipeline, such as the EMDSI, we may well engage fixed term freelance project staff as required.
We will encourage growth, aspiration, achievement, enterprise and experimentation, to clearly position the East Midlands as the most progressive and thriving media region

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