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关键字:杭州 爱情 旅游 线路
Hangzhou is China's famous scenic tourist city. Hangzhou has many reputation that there is paradise, below Suhang and there are 36 West Lake, Hangzhou is the best. H
angzhou is the capital of love since ancient times. Butterfly Lovers, White Snake and Xu Xian, etc. It is well-known legend. West Lake in Hangzhou has a long history .and it is very romance.It has always been a romantic place. Hangzhou, the love of the "Holy Land" so that many couples in love should be to the West Lake and visit the most popular attractions, such as the completion of a certain ceremony. They can got to a variety of love to get the physical and mental pleasure, so as to promote inter-sweet love couple. In respect of the planning group is mainly young couple in love. In this a "Love of Life" tour of romantic love is the best to commemorate their love.天文馆门票多少钱一张
The full analysis of planning designed for the couple a tour of love in the couple travel market and tourism resources in Hangzhou . Planning to enhance the image of lines and increase economic efficiency.
Key words : Hangzhou  Love  Tourism  Line

本文发布于:2023-06-10 23:42:27,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:旅游   爱情   杭州   情侣   线路
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