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  The data required to protect the visa
  1, the original passport
  2, 1 copies of ID card
  3 inch color photos (2)
  4, the aount of this copy (head of household and my page)
  5, on-the-job proof of the original (name, gender, date of birth, unit telephone, address, unit seal, working hours, leadership signature) 暑假旅游好去处推荐凉快
  6, family information questionnaire (I provide)
  7, such as the issue of the passport is not the field of Beijing, Beijing, also need to provide the original temporary residence permit
肇庆鼎湖山  8, travel
  9, resume
海南自驾自由行攻略及费用  One hundred thousand, 10 yuan deposit certificate (with bank address and telephone)
  11, a copy of the business license
  Take international flights to Incheon International Airport, after arriving by the person at the airport, then went to the world's largest indoor amusement park Lotte World (big ticket and three volumes of self-care RMB200/ people)
  Free activities throughout the day, you can enjoy the fun of shopping.
  Early by limousine connected to visit North Korea and South Korea Line 38 line, visit the unification Observatory (expenses RMB180/) then went to the airport, take the international flight back to Beijing, the end of a pleasant journey.
  The first day of Beijing / Inchon
  Seoul - Inchon aircraft
  The bus boarding international flights to Incheon International Airport, after the arrival of the world's largest airport by hand to the indoor amusement park - Lotte World Tour (big ticket and three volumes of RMB200/ people themselves). Dinner in Seoul
  Seoul bus second days after breakfast visit South Korea the Imperial Palace - Gyongbokkung, the presidential palace - Chong Wa Dae, Korea ginseng Monopoly Bureau, Amethyst processing factory, Myungdong mercial district free shopping, after dinner to Walkerhill at their own expense to enjoy the wonderful song and dance performances (RMB550/) or visit the casino. Breakfast in Seoul
  Third days Seoul / Beijing aircraft
  Bus breakfast after visiting the xx World Cup in Seoul, the 88 Olympic Games main venue, and then took the opportunity to return to Beijing
  Individual tourist visa
  1) 2 1 inch color photos
  2) valid for more than half a year's passport
  1 application form 3
  Copy of ID card 4
  (5) on the job certificate (need to contain working time, responsible for the Department and other content and cover the pany's official seal)
  Copy of the business license of a copy of the business license 6
  7) travel plan
  8) the ability to prove the property of the material, the following three optional:
  A RMB 100 thousand yuan more than the original bank certificate of deposit (to be frozen for at least 3 months or more, the certificate below which bank to handle and bank telephone)
  B equivalent to 100 thousand yuan more than the original real estate license
  C vehicle driving license original
  9) non Beijing area to provide temporary residence permits
  10) resume
  Personal data sheet 11)
  5) from the date of submission of the 12 working days after the visa results can be
  District Division: first, finishing the work model [article, belongs to original author, the original source of all. ] 北京劝返最新通告今天>贵州梵净山景点介绍
  Consulate in Beijing: Beijing City, Tianjin City, Hebei Province, Henan Province, Hubei Province, Hunan Province, Jiangxi Province, Shaanxi Province, Qinghai Province, Gansu Province, Shanxi Province, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Xinjiang autonomous region, Tibet autonomous region, Ningxia Autonomous Region
  Consulate General in Qingdao: Qingdao City, Shandong Province
  Consulate General in Shanghai: Shanghai City, Anhui Province, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province
  Consulate General in Guangdong: Guangzhou, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hainan Province, Fujian Province
  Consulate General in Hongkong: Macao, Hongkong
  Consulate General of Shenyang in Liaoning Province, Heilongjiang Province, Jilin Province
  Consulate General in Chongqing: Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, Guizhou Province
  Note: aording to a division, you should be in the Beijing visa, so not to entrust the Xi'an travel visa, and if you missioned the Xi'an travel agency, they will be missioned to nine out of ten of the travel agencies in Beijing, so you go directly to the Beijing travel agencies can, because they send signed parison many in the embassy credit or to help your visa. Personal remendation: China 010-65248788

本文发布于:2023-06-12 03:16:38,感谢您对本站的认可!



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