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Professions for Women灵石县属于哪个市
by Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) 
Born in England, Virginia Woolf was the daughter of Leslie Stephen, a well-known scholar. She was educated primarily at home and attributed her love of reading to the early and complete access she was given to her father’s library. With her husband, Leonard Woolf, she founded the Hogarth Press and became known as member of the Bloomsbury group of intellectuals, which included economist John Maynard Keynes, biographer Lytton Strachey, novelist E. M. Forster, and art historian Clive Bell. Although she was a central figure in London literary life, Woolf often saw herself as isolated from the mains stream because she was a woman. Woolf is best known for her experimental, modernist novels, including Mrs. Dalloway(1925) and To the Lighthouse(1927) which are widely appreciated for her breakthrough into a new mode and technique--the stream of consciousness. In her diary and critical essays she has much to say about women and fiction. Her 1929 book A Room of One’s Own documents her desire for women to take their rightful place in literary history
and as an essayist she has occupied a high place in 20th century literature. The common Reader (1925 first series; 1932 second series) has acquired classic status. She also wrote short stories and biographies. “Professions for Women”  taken from The collected Essays Vol 2. is originally a paper Woolf read to the Women’s Service League, an organization for professional women in London.
Questions for Comprehension and Consideration
1.  Woolf’s essay is titled “Professions for Women.” Which profession does she discuss in detail? What reasons does Woolf give for finding writing a comfortable profession for a woman to pursue? What do these reasons suggest about the relationship between women, their families, and the world of work? Woolf says, “Pianos and models, Paris, Vienna, and Berlin, masters and mistresses, are not needed by a writer.” What does she mean by saying that? What actually does the author want to emphasize in the first paragraph? Do you detect some bitterness in tone in the first paragraph? If you do, can you point out where it lies? What is left unsaid here?石家庄免费景点
2.  What point does the writer make through the sardonic mention of her Persian cat in paragraph 2?
3.  What metaphors are used in paragraph 3? Who is the Angel in the House? What is her main qualities? Why did the Angel become symbolic of the emotional trmoil Woolf experienced when trying to work ( writing reviews of men’s writing for instance)? Who or what does the Angel represent? Why does the author take great pains to describe the Angel and the killing  of the Angel? What does the author want to tell her audience in this paragrph? Write a dialogue between Woolf and the Angel. Develop the connflict that leads up to the murder of the Angel and reveals what Woolf learns during the struggle.
4.  In paragraph 4, Woolf asks, “What is a woman?” Explain her response to this question and then work on your own definition. Try also to answer the question “What is a man?” How is your definition different from your definition of a woman? How do you explain the discrepancies?
5. What problem did Woolf encounter when she moved from writing reviews to writing no
vels? How does she use the analogy of the “fisherman lying sunk in dreams” to explain the problem she was facing? Who does the fisherman represent? The line racing through the girl’s fingers? The smash? What is the “something hard” that the imagination smashes against?
宿州景点哪里值得旅游5.  What conclusion does the author come to in paragraph 6?
6.  Note the relationship between paragraph 6 and paragraph 7. The author might well have stopped at paragraph 6 or after the fourth sentence of paragraph 7, but she goes on and introduces something new. What is it? How is the theme broadened and deepened at the end of the essay with the series of questions the author raises on the rooms women occupy (or will occupy) “in the house hitherto exclusively owned by men.” Woolf wrote “Professions for Women” in 1931;  how would you answer her questions today, from the perspective of the    1990s?
7. How does the essay impress you as a whole? How does the last paragraph impress you? Give your reasons.
听说你们协会是有关妇女就业的。协会秘书要我就职业问题谈谈自己的阅历。不错,我是女人,我也正在就业。可是我有些什么阅历呢?这个问题似乎很难回答。我的职业是文学,文学给予女人特有的阅历比其他职业要少,舞台表演除外。这是因为许多年前范妮•伯尼、阿普拉•贝恩、哈丽雅特•马蒂诺、简•奥斯丁、乔治•爱略特就在这条路上披荆斩棘了。无数知名的、不知名的女人在我之前扫除了障碍,调整了我的步伐。我开始写作时,这个职业已经不拒绝女性了。写作是个高尚而无害的职业,家庭的安宁不会被钢笔的嚓嚓声打破,也不需要很多的经济投资。花十六便士买的纸足够写下莎士比亚所有巨著 --------假如你也有个莎士比亚的脑袋的话。作家不需要有钢琴、模特儿,不要周游巴黎、维也纳和柏林,也不需聘请家庭教师。纸张便宜也许是女人在写作领域比其他领域成功的原因。纳粹德国
言归正传吧。我当作家的故事其实很简单,你们大可想象一个手执钢笔的姑娘坐在卧室,从左到右不停地写着,写着,从十点写到一点。然后,她把这些稿件装进信封,贴上一便士邮票投进信筒。我就是这样成为报纸撰稿人的。第二个月的第一天 ---- 那对我是辉煌的一天 --- 我竟收到编辑给我的信,还附了张一镑十六便士的支票。可我多不懂生活的艰辛呀!
言归正传。继续说说我的职业经历。第一次书评赚的一镑十六便士买了波斯猫。以后,我胃口越来越大。波斯猫虽好,可远远不够。我还想要摩托车。这样,我便做了小说家---------你给别人讲故事,别人给你 摩托车,这是很奇妙的事。更奇妙的是,世界上再没有比讲故事更令人高兴的事了。它比写书评快乐多了。遵照你们秘书的指示,我得说一说我作为小说家的职业经历。这是一种很奇特的经历,你们得充分想象小说家的思想状态才能理解。我希望我在这里没有泄露职业机密。小说家的最大愿望是尽量做到无意识,创造一个永久平静的内心世界。他希望生活平静而有规律,没有异常事情打搅和干扰。当他写作时,他要求看到同样的面孔,阅读同样的书,做同样的事,一天接一天,一个月接一个月,这样便不会破坏他沉浸其中的幻象,不会扰乱他想象力的探索、感觉、冲击和实现。这种思想状态对男性作家和女性作家都是一样的。尽管如此,我还是想说我是在恍惚中创造小说的,你们大可想象,一位手握笔杆的女孩在屋里连续坐几个小时,也不见把笔往墨水瓶里蘸一下。这情景绝象湖边神情专注的钓鱼翁。她在让想象力如奔腾的江水扫过沉寂在无意识深处每一块岩石,每一道缝隙。下面的经历我想或许对女作家比读男作家更为普

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