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Finally look forward to the summer vacation,today brother took me to the roller skating.
十渡旅游景点After a while,we came to the phoenix mountain park.At this time of the park,people mountain people sea.Neon colours.Brother on the skateboard sliding forward to rapidly.I also can't wait to put on roller skates,holding a tree stumbling stood up,can not stand,had a fall.I stood up again,carefully moving forward,afraid of accidentally will fall.Despite this carefully,feet or not to work,with shaking legs.I'm standing instability and fell to the ground.Thought:how I this seemingly simple skating so difficult
Sitting on a bench in the park,I depressed sum up the experience of several falls.If he is,as far as possible let the body bow forward,feet apart with eight,hand to swing naturally,as far as possible make the roller skates and ground contact,center of gravity concentration on Thought of here I stand up again,according to summarize the experience of began to cross it.Curiously,the speed was much faster than the original.When I can draw up well when I take fast,glad heart than eating the honey still sweet.When I get carried away pounc小川藏线自驾游最佳线路图
e,but fell down his face,it's sorrow!After a few wrestling,I finally mastered the essentials of roller skating.
Now my roller skating technology,has reached the sliding fast nor the degree of wrestling.I not only learned how to roller skating,to better understand the"everything comes to him who waits"the words of truth.

本文发布于:2023-06-24 08:51:39,感谢您对本站的认可!



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