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第一节 对话,根据对话内容和所给问题,选择正确图片。(读一遍)
1How is the weather today
2How will Tom go to the shopping center
3Where is the man's computer
4What is the boy going to eat
5What does Murray prefer to do on the weekend
第二节 听对话,根据对话内容和所给问题,选择正确答案。(读两遍)
6Where would the man like to go on vacation
A.A warm place. B.A relaxing place. C.An interesting place.
7Which kind of music does the woman like
A.Pop music. B.Rock music. C.Country music.
8Why was Lucy's school trip terrible
A.Because her feet.
B.Because of her classmates.
C.Because of the weather.
9What's Helen's suggestion to the man
A.Watching English movies
B.Being in an English club.
C.Listening to English songs.
10When will they met tomorrow
A.At 8  B.At 900 a.m C.At 930 a.m
第三节 听长对话,根据对话内容和所给问题,选择正确答案。 (读两遍)
日照旅游景点介绍11.(1What are the photo about
A.About a sports meeting.
B.About a sports club.
C.About a prize.
2Which race in Amy going lo take part in next year
A.Running.  B.Long jump.  C.High jump.
12.(1What's the woman's job
A.A policeman  B.A woman reporter  C.A woman doctor.
2What wan the man doing when the traffic accident happened
AHe was going to school.
B.He was driving the bus.
C.He was walking on the road.
3Who called the police
A.A young man.  B.A young girl.  C.A taxi driver.
第四节 听短文,根据矩文内容,完成信息记录表,每空一词。(读两遍)
World Smile Day
It's on the first 1  国家大剧院近期演出节目 of October every year.
There are 2   of thing you can do
You can give someone a3   on the bus.
You can surprise someone in your4   with a gift.
Let's 5   in this activity together and bring smiles into our world.
1. I have a pen friend. She is ________ Australian girl.
A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /
2. I like number “9” best, because I think it stands for “long lasting”.
Me too. So I chose ________ floor to live on.
A. nine    B. ninth    C. the ninth    D. nineteen
考查数词。nine九,基数词;ninth第九,序数词;the ninth第九,the+序数词;nineteen十九,基数词。根据“floor”可知此处表示第九层,用序数词ninth表顺序,其前加定冠词the。故选C。
3. Nothing is impossible ________ you put your heart into in!
A. as much as    B. as possible as    C. as far as    D. as long as
考查连词辨析。as much as像……一样多;as possible as尽可能;as far as像……一样远;as long as只要。根据“Nothing is impossible … you put your heart into in!”可知,前后句是条件关系,因此用as long as引导条件状语从句,故选D
4. —Hi, Mary! I want to go to Qinghai Museum, but I am not sure ________ get there.
—Don’t worry. Let me tell you.
A. how could I    B. how I can    C. how can I    D. how I did
5. —What a clean and tidy room!
—Yes. It’s ________ room.
A. Tina and Nina’s    B. Tina’s and Nina
C. Tina and Nina    D. Tina’s and Nina’s
6. I have read books ________ were written by Charles Dickens.
So do I. David Copperfield is my favorite.
A. how    B. who    C. what    D. that
7. Nobody taught my grandma how to use WeChat.She learned it all by ________ .
A. myself    B. yourself    C. himself    D. herself
考查代词。myself我自己;yourself你自己;himself他自己;herself她自己。by oneself独自地,此处主语是she,对应的反身代词是herself,故选D。
8. Children ________ be told not to swim in the river.
A. can    B. must    C. may    D. might
9. There is no need to ________ every new word in the dictionary when you are reading.
A. look up    B. look at    C. look after    D. look through
考查动词短语。look up查阅;look at看;look after照顾;look through浏览。根据大连旅顺旅游攻略必玩的景点in the dictionary可知,在词典里查新单词,故选A。
10. —In my opinion, keeping traffic rules is very important for road safety.
—________ Safety comes first.

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