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For many, Taiwanese and expats alike, Kenting means sunny beaches and not much more.中国驻柬埔寨大使馆
In fact,there are not only (sometime overrated) beaches but also a nature lush and diverse, fully tropical - Kenting is located below the Tropic of Cancer, among coconut palms and pandanus trees.
The landscape is simply beautiful. Part of the area is an ancient coral reef, that was uplifted to form a plateau gently sloping toward the sea.
The plateau is crisscrossed with a maze of mysterious caverns and small ravines, where huge banyan trees put down their roots.
A magic place, covered by a thick forest and windy grasslands.
From the top of the hills the view is wide. This is one of the very few places in Taiwan that gives me a feeling of vast landscapes.
东莞有什么好玩的景点The beaches of Kending are not bad at all.
But they are not the tropical paradises they look like in too many "cosmetic" photos. This is not Malaysia nor Thailand!
The largest beach, Dawan (Great Bay), has long been accessible only to the guests of Chateau Hotel. Not anymore, now this Kenting beach is accessible to all through the hotel premises.
Other beaches in the area are the animated Nanwan (Southern Bay), that boasts a splendid view on the nuclear power plant (!) and Xiaowan (Small Bay), just below the Caesar Park Hotel.
The hidden gem of Kenting, however, by all accounts, is the relatively isolated Baisha Beach (White Sands), lined with coconut palms and casuarina trees. During the off season, you may be the only visitors to the beach.
Shadao Beach, a tiny nature reserve, and Jialeshuei, the surfer's beach on the Pacific coast, complete the picture of kending beaches.
Kenting is the surfing capital of Taiwan. You can rent boards everywhere.太和县天气预报

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