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The listing and delisting mechanism of China's securities market is constantly improving and becoming increasingly strict.With the increasing supervision and punishment of the CSRC,more and more listed companies are found out problems,and various financial fraud cases emerge in an endless stream.The harm of false profits of listed companies is very serious.First,it has a long-term impact and addiction.Companies have to use more false accounts to fill in the loopholes caused by false accounts made in the first place.What's more, they have experienced the temporary advantages brought by false profits.The false accounts form inertia.Once there is assessment or oth
er needs for financial statements,they don't think about how to do it To improve the company's operation ability only depends on fraud,which is not conducive to the company's sustainable operation and development.Second,for the majority of market participants,whether they are investors in the primary and secondary markets or upstream and downstream of counterfeiting companies and cooperative enterprises, there will be a miscalculation of the company due to their inflated profits,resulting in investment losses or business losses.
Based on the theory of gone fraud motivation,this paper uses the method of multi case analysis to analyze six typical cases of fraud motivation and tactics in recent years,so as to summarize the audit risk caused by the fraud.
Based on the analysis of the motivation and tactics of the fraud of increasing the profit falsely in the selected cases,this paper summarizes the corresponding audit risks,and finally puts forward the corresponding suggestions from the perspective of certified public accountants and accounting firms.For certified public accountants,we should firmly establish the modern risk oriented audit concept,strengthen risk awareness,conduct a comprehensive assessment of the audited units,and conduct substantive tests in key links.And accounting firms should also escort certified accountants.Before doing business,they should do a good job before investigation,take care of busin
ess carefully and improve the internal quality control system.
The results show that,firstly,the subjective motivation of listed companies'fraud of increasing profit falsely is due to its core motivation,which includes the demand of greed for economic benefits and performance pressure;the objective motivation is the internal governance structure of the company and the severity of the punishment result after fraud exposure is relatively weak.Certified public accountants should pay more attention to the subjective motivation of the audited units.Secondly,the fraud of the listed company's virtual increase profit has the characteristics of path dependence.In the case of continuous operation, the amount of virtual increase is often larger and larger,which is difficult to control.Third,in recent years,the fraud of the listed companies'increasing profits is mainly collusion.It is difficult to find out the flaws from the single financial data of the identified level.We need to uphold the concept of modern risk oriented audit to carry out macro control from the financial statement level.Fourth,the prevention and control of listed companies'fraud,relying solely on CPA audit can not achieve the desired effect,need policies and rules to continue to increase the intensity of supervision and punishment,two pronged approach can have effect.
Keywords:Listed companies;false increase of profit;audit risk;audit response
1绪论 (1)
1.1研究背景 (1)
1.2研究目的及意义 (2)
1.2.1研究目的 (2)
1.2.2研究意义 (2)
张家界天子山1.3文献综述 (2)
1.3.1上市公司虚增利润舞弊的相关研究 (3)
1.3.2审计风险的相关研究 (5)
1.3.3上市公司虚增利润舞弊的审计风险相关研究 (9)
1.3.4文献述评 (10)
1.4研究内容与研究方法 (11)
秦始皇兵马俑1.4.1研究内容 (11)
1.4.2研究方法 (11)
1.5创新点 (12)
2相关理论 (13)
2.1GONE理论 (13)
2.2风险导向审计理论 (13)
3上市公司虚增利润案例介绍 (15)
3.1华锐风电提前确认收入导致虚增利润 (15)
3.2獐子岛延后确定成本导致虚增利润 (16)
世界之窗浏览器3.3抚顺特钢虚减成本导致虚增利润 (16)
3.4康美药业虚增收入导致虚增利润 (18)
3.5尔康制药通过关联方虚构业务导致虚增利润 (19)
3.6康得新虚构业务导致虚增利润 (20)
3.7案例总结 (21)
4上市公司虚增利润的审计风险因素分析 (24)
4.1重大错报风险的因素分析 (25)
4.1.1导致财务报表层次重大错报风险的因素分析 (25)
4.1.2导致认定层次重大错报风险的因素分析 (29)
4.2检查风险因素分析 (31)
4.2.1部分审计证据获取较困难 (32)
4.2.2串通舞弊检查难度大 (32)
4.2.3审计程序受成本效益限制 (33)
5识别虚增利润降低审计风险的建议 (34)
5.1注册会计师角度 (34)
5.1.1牢固树立现代风险导向审计的理念 (34)
5.1.2充分了解被审计单位及其是否存在特殊需求 (35)
5.1.3在重点环节尽可能多地执行实质性测试 (36)
5.1.4保持独立性和应有的职业谨慎 (37)
5.2会计师事务所角度 (37)
5.2.1承接业务前做好事前调查 (38)
5.2.2加强现代风险导向审计的实务培训 (39)
5.2.3完善事务所内部质量控制体系 (39)
6研究结论与局限性 (41)
6.1研究结论 (41)
6.2研究局限性 (42)
参考文献 (43)
作者简历 (46)
致谢 (47)

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标签:虚增   审计   利润   舞弊
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