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丽江最好玩的地方Why San Francisco is worth visiting
San Francisco, a city with a long history, can be said to be very famous. I believe that every visitor to the United States will not miss such a beautiful and prosperous city. I believe that many people know about the history of this mountain city. The gold rush era made the city prosperous, but an earthquake after that made all this disappear. But soon the city was rebuilt and more modern, As an important port city, it is home to immigrants from all over the world. The mixed cultural atmosphere is also the biggest feature of this city.
北京今天又出现一例The beautiful scenery here is integrated into the rich cultural landscape, which makes people linger and forget to return. We can enjoy the tour here. Click to check the San Francisco tourism guide.
The Fisherman's Wharf is very happy. It was originally a port for fishermen to go to sea, but now it has become a place for entertainment and leisure. Here, we can see the numerous shopping centers in San Francisco, which are prosperous. At Fisherman's Wharf, we can enjoy sightseeing and relax. Here, we can also see the performances of countless artists a
nd let people experience the charm of art. Fisherman's Wharf also has innumerable hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc., which are very distinctive.
17 Mile Bay Scenic Line 17 Mile Bay Scenic Line is located in the central part of California, the United States. It can be said that it is a famous tourist destination, and countless people come to visit it every year. The scenic line of 17liwan we saw is a circular road. There is a pebble beach resort here. The beauty here is unforgettable. The Pacific Ocean is to the west and south, and the Dalmont Fir Forest is to the east, which is full of vitality. We can see countless famous beaches and numerous villas here, which are very distinctive. It's also fun to watch countless sea lions and seals.
Some people say that San Francisco is the most avant-garde, open, and free city in the United States It not only has a variety of styles and features, relaxed cultural and historical landscapes, and amazing restaurant delicacies, but also is at the forefront of the changing times, leading the new trend of modern society, and becoming a holiday paradise that many people look forward to
The Silicon Valley in the south of San Francisco, from Palo Alto to San Jose, was just a bunch of orchards and vineyards more than 100 years ago. Since IBM and Apple Computer Light Technologies settled here, it has gradually become a prosperous town In a short period of more than ten years, Silicon Valley has created many technological millionaires, and typical American dream stories have emerged from this kingdom of electronic industry and computing machine industry柳江古镇

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