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    旅游计划旅游英语情景对话 旅游计划情景对话1:2022新疆事业编报名入口
    导游: Today we are going to have a trip to The Fragrant Hills. 今天我们去香山旅游吧. 游客: Well. Shall we go there on foot 好的.我们步行去那儿吗 导游: No. That`s too far. 不.那太远了. 游客: Sorry, I know nothing about it. 对不起.我对这个一无所知. 导游: Don`t worry. I hear you are very keen on climbing mountains. We can go there by bus, and go to the top of the mountain on foot. 别担心.我听说您非常喜欢爬山.我们可以坐公交去那里.然后步行到 山项. 游客: That`s great! 那太棒了!游客: Wow, what a beautiful mountain! 噢.多美的山啊! 导游: Yes. It`s famous for its red leaves in autumn. Now, there are a lot of leaves on the ground. If you like, you can collect some leaves. 是的.很美.它以秋天的红叶出名.现在满地都是树叶.如果您喜欢.您可 以收集一些树叶. 游客: Thanks a lot for what you have told me. I`ll do that. 谢谢你的提醒.我会收集一些的. 旅游计划情景对话2:
    苏珊: Hello, Jacob, how are you doing 雅各布.你好.最近好吗 雅各布: Hi, Susan! I`m fine. I heard you`ve been to many places in China during the past year. 还好吧.我听说你去年去了中国的很多地方. 苏珊: Yes, I have. I love traveling. 是啊.我是去了不少地方.我喜欢旅行. 雅各布:Which do you prefer Going on a package tour with a tour agency or going on your own-a “Do-It-Yourself“ tour 你更喜欢哪一种旅行.是跟旅行团还是自助游 苏珊: When I first came to China, I usually took package tours but now I`ve found Do-It-Yourself tours are more interesting. 我刚来中国的时候.常常跟团旅游.但现在我发现自助游更有意思. 雅各布: Yes, they are. I like traveling independently. There`s not so much freedom in a package tour. 是啊.确实如此.我喜欢自己旅行.跟旅行团不太自由. 苏珊: Exactly. What I really don`t like in a package tour is that the tour buses stop at tourist stores for a certain time and we are forced to spend lots of time shopping even if we have little interest in jade, pearls or paintings. 没错!我最讨厌跟团的地方就是.就算我们对那些宝石.珍珠和画一点 兴趣也没有.旅游大巴也总要在那些景点的商店停一段时间.我们就被迫花时间购 物. 雅各布: Yes, another disadvantage is that the tourists have to follow exactly the travel agency`s schedule, but in a Do-It-Yourself tour they can select their own itinerary. 是啊.跟
韶关学院宿舍团还有一个缺点就是游客必须听从旅行社的日程安排.但要是 自助游的话.游客就能自主安排行程. 苏珊: And in a package tour, I always have to hurry up to follow the tour guide and stand next to him to hear what he says. I can`t stay longer at those places I like and take more pictures.而且跟团旅行时.我总是忙着赶上导游.站的离他近一些好听他讲解. 这样.我就不能在我喜欢的景点多呆一会儿.多照几张相片了. 雅各布: That`s another reason why I prefer Do-It-Yourself option. I can travel at my own pace. 这也是我更喜欢自助游的另一个原因.就是能按我自己的节奏旅行. 苏珊: And besides that, it`s great to select your own travel mates. 不仅如此.能自己选择旅伴也是件很棒的事. 雅各布: You`re right. Traveling with friends or family is better than going with strangers. 你说的对.与朋友和家人一起旅行比和陌生人旅行更好. 苏珊: I`m planning to drive myself to the countryside in the weekend. Would you like to come 我计划着周末自己开车去郊区玩.你想一起去吗 雅各布: I`d love to, but I`ve already promised to go backpacking with my classmates. 我很想去.可我已经答应和同学一起去远足了. 苏珊: That`s all right. Maybe I can ask Lisa. She loves "Do-It-Yourself" tours, too. 没关系.或许我可以问问丽莎.她也喜欢自助游.雅各布: Have a nice weekend! 祝你周末玩得愉快! 苏珊: Thanks. The same to you! 谢谢.你也是! 旅游计划情景对话3:苏州乐园搬到哪里去了
海南旅游攻略自由行4天    贝琳达: Can you tell me something about Disneyland 你能告诉我一些关于迪斯尼乐园的情况吗 凯西: Sure. Is that the way you are going to take a trip 可以.你要去那里旅游吗 贝琳达: That`s right. I`ll visit there with my family for a couple of days. 对.我和我的家人准备去那儿玩几天. 凯西: I`ve been there only once, but I`ll tell you what I can remember. 我只去过一次.不过我可以告诉你我所记得的一切. 贝琳达: When did you go there 你什么时候去那里的凯西: A few years ago. I was there for one day. 几年前了.我在那里待了一天. 贝琳达: What did you enjoy most 你最喜欢什么 凯西: Jungle River Boat Safari, Sleeping Beauty Castle Walk-through, Submarine Voyage, I think, are all fascinating. 丛林漂流探险.穿行睡美人城堡.海底航行.我认为.这些都是很吸引人 的.

本文发布于:2023-07-27 07:34:27,感谢您对本站的认可!



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