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Tate Modern, London, UK
Together with three other Tate museums, Tate Modern located in London is a national museum of international modern art. It is one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary art in the world. Most of the exhibit items are open to the public for free, only charging for major temporary (临时的) exhibitions.
The Louvre, Paris, France
It is the world's largest and most visited art museum and a historical landmark of Paris. Housed in the Louvre Palace, the museum has been added to many times since its opening in 1793. Its glass pyramid in the main courtyard was designed by Chinese America
郑州有什么好玩的n architect Ieoh Ming Pei, and it later became a signature design of the museum, appearing in the hit thriller TheDaVinciCode starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou.
National Museum of China, Beijing, China
Near Tiananmen Square in Beijing, it's one of the largest museums in the world and the secondmost visited art museum in the world, just after the Louvre. Covering a time span from the Yuanmou Man of 1.7 million years ago to the Qing Dynasty (1644~1911), the museum houses around 1.05 million items—many cannot be found in museums elsewhere.
State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
The State Hermitage Museum is the second largest art museum in the world. The public can visit five of the main buildings: Winter Palace, Small Hermitage, Old Hermitage, New Hermitage and Hermitage Theatre.
Frequently seen in pop culture, it often appears as a setting for films, TV series, novels a河源万绿湖门票多少钱一张
nd even video games.
1. Tate Modern, London, UK is attractive partly in that ______.鞍山旅游
A. it is a national museum with three branches
B. entry to most of its exhibitions is free of charge
鏚鏚乸鏚怎么读C. its exhibitions range from ancient art to modern art青岛方特门票怎么买便宜
D. visitors can purchase some wonderful exhibit items
2. What do we know about The Louvre
A. It often serves as a setting for films.
B. It stays the same as it was when first built.
C. It is the most visited art museum in the world.
D. It was designed by a Chinese American architect.
3. Which museum displays unique items from the Yuanmou Man
A. Tate Modern, London, UK.
B. The Louvre, Paris, France.
C. National Museum of China, Beijing, China.
D. State Hermitage Museum, St.Petersburg, Russia.
A heartwarming letter written by Yuan Longping,known as"the father of hybrid rice",has caught people's eyes as the nation is mourning (悼念) over his passing away.In 2010,at the age 80,Yuan wrote this letter in memory of his late mother,Hua Jing,and many are deeply touched by its sincerity (真情) .
In the letter,entitled"The Rice is Ripe (成熟),Mom",Yuan recalled the old days with his mother in Anjiang town in Central China's Hunan province,where his mother was buri
ed in 1989.
Born in a wealthy family in Yangzhou,eastern China's Jiangsu province,Hua Jing was well educated and open- minded.She taught Yuan English when he was very young.Having never worked in the fields,Hua moved to Anjiang town to support her son's family and research.
"Mom,the rice is ripe and I come back to Anjiang to see you. ....Every time when I was able to deliver a speech to the audiences from around the world or take a prize in my study,I always thought of you.You made me who I am.People say I've changed the world with one tiny rice seed but mom,I know you sowed (播种) the seed in me when I was a little boy."
4. Why did Yuan Longping write a letter in 2010? ______
A. To honor his mother. B. To attract people's eyes.
C. To comfort his mother. D. To public his achievements.
5. What moved many people deeply in the letter? ______
A. The seed. B. The emotion. C. The speech. D. The education.
6. What can we know about Hua Jing? ______
A. She was born in a poor family. B. She used to work in the fields.
C. She didn't get any schooling. D. She moved to Anjiang for her son.
7. What's the main idea of the last paragraph? ______
A. The speech to the audience. B. The growth in Anjiang.
C. The seed of Yuan's mother. D. The prize in his study.
Are you happy? Do you remember a time when you were happy? Are you seeking happiness today?
Many have sought a variety of sources for their feelings of happiness. Some have put their hearts and efforts into their work.Too many have turned to drugs and alcohol.Meanwhile, untold numbers have looked for it in the possession of expensive cars, exotic(异国的) vacation homes and other popular "toys". Most of their efforts have a root in one common fact: people are looking for a lasting source of happiness.

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