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1.  Beijing,________ capital of China, is________city with a long history.
A  the; the.
B  a ; a
C  the; a
D  /; the
2.  How much ________ do we need to make a banana milk shake?
A  bananas
B  apples
C  coffee
D  milk
3.  The Chinese doctors went to Italy to help the patients________they knew it was dangerous.
A  because
B  if
C  though
D  as soon as
4.  Lisa is studying abroad. She hasn’t decided ________ back to Ch ina because of the COVID-19.
A  if she flies
B  whether she will fly
C  when will she fly
D  how will she fly
5.  The dictionary on the desk is ________. Mine is on the chair over there.
A  yours
B  your
C  mine
D  my
6.  While Mike________computer games in his room, his dad came in.
A  is playing
B  was playing
C  will play
D  plays
7.  Have you seen my mobile phone, Sam? I can’t find it________.
A  everywhere
B  somewhere
C  nowhere
D  anywhere
8.  The children here improve their English ________ listening and speaking every day.
A  on
B  through
C  with
D  by
9.  There is a knock at the door. It________my mom. It’s time for her to be back home.
A  may be
B  may not be
C  must be
D  mustn’t be
10.  It was ________ for us to solve the math problem. Few of us could even understand it.
A  easy enough
B  enough easy
C  difficult enough
D  enough difficult
11.  — Peter, have you ever been to the English Corner?
— Oh, yes. I ________ there to practice speaking once a week last term.
A  went
B  go
C  have gone
D  will go
12.  —Mary doesn’t like fish ________ chicken
—Ben doesn’t like fish, ________he likes chicken very much.
A  and; but
B  or; but
C  or, and
D  and;or
13.  A number of volunteers will ________ for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.
A  be needed
B  are needed
C  are needing
D  be needing
14.  Jack, you’re going to the mountain village to help the children, ________?
A  don’t you
B  do you
C  aren’t you
D  are
15.  —We will go to interview a scientist tomorrow, and I’d like you to go with us.
—________! I’ll have an important meeting to attend.
A  Congratulations
B  What a pity
C  Good idea
D  A good job
16.  Tom has made quite a few good friends since he came to China to learn Chinese.
A  only a few
B  two or three
C  much
D  many
17.  My classmates and I get on well with each other and we love the big family.
A  are ready to help
B  are friendly with
C  like to talk with
D  love to play with
18.  You still have an hour left to go to the English party, so take your time, please.
A  don’t hurry
B  don’t go
C  hurry up
D  get up
19.  —Why do you like to shop online on November 11?
—Because the prices of many things are quite lower.
A  more expensive
B  expensive
C  cheap
D  cheaper
20.  Because of the outbreak of the COVID-19, I have to teach myself English online.
A  find myself青岛三日游详细攻略
B  enjoy myself
C  learn…by myself
D  teach…by myself
When I graduated from university, I decided to make my life a difference. I became a volunteer_______and was sent to Ghana (加纳). So,_________a group of helpful young volunteers, I went on my journey. I was very_______this great chance.
The schools there were quite poor. The students had to walk miles to_______their schools. They had lots of work at home. Though they had_______days, these children were joyful.
This was my_________time living abroad in a different culture. I had to get used to
the_______conditions. There was no electricity, running water, phone or the Internet. There was no air-conditioner (空调) at a place where the_______often goes over 38°C! It was too hot to move. Before coming here, I_______thought I could live in such an environment. However, I could end each day with a beautiful African sunset. At night, I could________the whole Milky Way (银河).
That is my experience which is unforgetable and worth the time and energy!
A  professor
B  teacher
C  student
D  foreigner
A  by
B  to
C  with
D  for
A  thankful for
B  sorry about
C  calm about
D  angry with
A  go through
B  look for
C  live in
D  get to
A  happy
B  relaxing
C  tiring
D  quiet
A  last
B  first
C  second
D  third
A  studying
B  playing
C  travelling
D  living
A  weather
B  sky
C  sun
D  temperature
A  still
B  never
C  often
D  usually
A  enjoy
B  look
C  search
D  like
(1)The teachers and the students will have their School Day on ________.
A  June 26, 2020
B  July 26, 2021
C  June 26, 2021
D  July 26, 2020
(2)The purpose of the School Day is to make the students’ school life ________.
A  exciting and interesting
B  interesting and colorful
C  unforgettable and
colorful        D  happy and fantastic
(3)      will be on at 10: on the playground.
A  Robot-making Show
B  Science Experiments
C  Students’ Sports
Show        D  Students’ Paper-cutting Show
(4)The meaning of the underlined word “gym” is ________.
桂林十里画廊游玩攻略A  多媒体室
B  体育馆
C  操场
D  音乐厅
(5)The best title for this ad is ________.
A  Our School Day
B  Our School Party
C  Parents Are Welcome to Our
School        D  Our School Life
One day, Tom was walking home when he suddenly noticed a young man sitting on the bridge railing (栏杆). He was going to jump into the river to kill himself.
“Hey, young! What are you doing? Are you going to jump? ” Tom asked.
“▲” the young man answered. His voice had pain in it, but Tom could tell he didn’t really want to do this. Tom tried to draw his attention. “You have any kids?” Then, the young man pulled up a picture o
f his daughter on his mobile phone.
“Try to think how your daughter will live on without her dad at a young age.” Tom s aid. His heart was beating fast, but he stayed calm. By doing so, Tom learned about the young man’s trouble.
“I am having a hard time,” the young man said. “I can’t make any money, I am hungry. And I can’t live without heroin().”By this time, Tom ha d walked closer to him. He made the
young man believe that he cared if he jumped into the river. Finally, the young man turned, took Tom’s hand and climbed down.
北京到南京火车时刻表查询Soon, the police drove the young man away. Tom has never got his name. But he always remem bers the last words the young man said to him. “Thank you ! And you really are a hero to me.”
(1)What was the young man going to do?
A  To end his life.
B  To enjoy the river.
C  To practice jumping.
D  To watch Tom walking.
(2)Whic h of the following can be put in “▲”?
A  Yes, I did.
B  No, I am not.
C  Yes, I am.
D  No, I haven’t.
(3)What was the young man’s real trouble?
A  He had a pain in his voice.
B  He was poor and taking heroin.
C  He had a serious heart trouble.
D  His daughter was dying.
(4)Why did the young man finally give up killing himself?
A  Because Tom pulled him down.
B  Because he thought of his daughter.
C  Because the police drove him away.
D  He was greatly moved by Tom.
(5)What can we know from the above story?
A  Tom finally saved the young man.
B  Tom became a hero of the country.
C  The young man was caught by the police.
D  The young man became a good person.
Alex is reading a book about AI, artificial intelligence(人工智能) . He finds the book a little difficult but very interesting. Though the word AI is very popular now, he enjoys reading it very much. He has learned a new idea about AI from the book.
When people ask AI a question,, it answers the question in a very short time. So people may feel that AI can think and answer questions as human beings do. Before Alex read this book, he believed this, too. However, this book says it will never happen. Actually, AI only uses a lot of information to get the best answer. So when it has more information, the answer will be much closer to the perfect one. AI technologies will be clever tools for human beings to use. This book also says almost half of our jobs will be done by AI technologies in the near future. People will soon find more AI technologies in our lives, such as checking the tickets, the price, people’s faces and fingers.
So, we believe that we will have much happier lives with these AI technologies around us. (1)What is the short form for “artificial intelligence”?A.PC.B.AI.C.NB
(2)What does Alex think of the book?
A  Difficult but interesting.
B  Easy but important.
C  Popular and
interesting.        D  Difficult and important.
(3)What new idea does Alex get from the book?
A  AI can think by itself.
深圳最值得去的古镇B  AI can’t answer questions immediately
C  AI can have ideas of its own.
D  AI will never think by itself.
(4)What is the meaning of the underlined part(划线部分) in the article?
A  Some of the jobs can be done by AI.
B  All the jobs can be done by AI.
C  None of the jobs can be done by AI.
D  AI will take the place of human beings.
(5)Which of the following is true?
A  AI is used everywhere in the world now.
B  AI will have its own opinions in the future.
C  Al finds the best answer by using information.
D  AI thinks and answers questions as people do.
25.  A: Hello, Peter! This is Tom speaking.
B: Hello, Tom! How are you?
A: Fine, thanks.(1)_______
B: Yes, I'll be free.
A: I'm going to watch a Peking Opera Show performed by a group of students.
B: Wow, that's so great!(2)_______
A: It is Gathering of Heroes(《英会》).
B: Fantastic! Where will it be put on?
A: In our school art club.
A: At 3:00 p.m. this Sunday.
B: Well, I am also interested in Peking Open a Show.(4)_______
A: Of course. So, would you like to watch the show with me?
B: Yes, I can't wait.(5)_______
A: Let's meet a the art club at 2:40 that afternoon.
B: OK. Thanks for calling me. See you then.
A: OK. See you.

本文发布于:2023-07-30 08:13:36,感谢您对本站的认可!



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