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青岛金沙滩房价Nanshan Tourism
温都水城冰雪嘉年华Scenic Spot Sightseeing:
Yantai Longkou Nanshan Scenic Spot is the National 5A-class Scenic Spot and is divided into three parts of Religious History and Culture Park, Theme Park-Happy Valley and Donghai Tourist Resort.
Nanshan Buddhist Temple, Xiangshui Nunnery, Nanshan Taoist Temple, Lingyuan Taoist Temple, etc. in Religious History and Culture Park are the historical relics of Jin and Tang Dynasties; Nanshan Giant Buddha which is the largest tin bronze Sitting Buddha in the world (with the height of 38.66m and the weight of 380t) and Nanshan Medicine Jade Buddha which is the largest indoor Jade Buddha in China (with the height of 13.66m and the weight of 660t) are the two highlights in the Park; Nanshan Huayan World includes Five-Dhyani-Buddha Palace, “Medicine Buddha Carol” Music Fountain, Prayer Corridor, etc.
一周上海天气预报, which enrich the religious cultures in Nanshan Scenic Spot; the History and Culture Park, which is built according to the sequence of dynasties and takes historic culture as longitude and propitious culture as latitude, is set up in Nanshan Scenic Spot as a vivid general history of China, thus comprehensively showing the extensive and profound Chinese civilization and the colorful national culture; Theme Park-Happy Valley is mainly constructed with Nanshan courtyard, Equestrianism Club, Pet Park, Happy Island, Kwan-yin Island, Bodhi Island, Tropical Plants Garden, Waterfall Plaza, etc., thus integrating participation, knowledge and entertainment together; Donghai Tourist Resort, with the length of 20km, is divided into coast tourist area, golf recreation area, rehabilitation and leisure area, villa area, commercial and trading service area, cultural education area, etc., and is a comprehensive tourist resort with high scientific and technological content, good ecological environment and harmonious development between man and nature while integrating residence, tourism, leisure and humanistic education.
适合带孩子旅游的地方Gathering ancient and modern essences and blending Chinese civilization, Nanshan Scenic Spot has already become the large multifunctional scenic spot which integrates to
urism, vocation travel, industrial touring, conference and commerce, entertainment and shopping, etc. and sketched the beautiful scenery of “Blessing and Longevous Nanshan, The Heaven for Nourishing The Heart” via her particular charm.
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老挝的首都叫什么The logo pattern of Nanshan Theme Park – Happy Valley, based on the creative elements of the construction project of Happy Valley and organically combining waterfall, pleasure boat wharf, ferris wheel, Nanshan logo, etc. in the form of silhouette, shows the thematic content of Happy Valley by applying the effect of color dyed paper-cut paintings. The logo is shaped as square outside and round inside, which is originated from sunrise at sea, thus presenting the mutual echoing between Nanshan and Donghai and forming a happy and peaceful space. Nanshan and Donghai are taken as the creative elements for
the mascot, Huanhuan and Lele, thus integrating the visual experience of health, enthusiasm, vitality and happiness into the two cartoon images with open arms for welcoming the tourists, and meanwhile fully reflecting the openness and tolerance of Happy Valley.
Nanshan Theme Park - Happy Valley, which was planned in and built since 2008, is one of the three parts of Nanshan Scenic Spot, and includes Nanshan Courtyard, Equestrian Club, Pet Park, Happy Island, Kwan-yin Island, Bodhi Island, Waterfall Square, Nanshan Courtyard, etc.
Happy Island mainly includes experiential and participatory entertainment projects and is mainly provided with the following entertainment equipments and projects, such as luxurious carrousels, whirlwind knights, self-controlled flying elephants, mermaids, bumper cars, large-sized slides, double bungee jumping, space cruiser and pleasure boat & wharf, so Happy Valley is an ideal place for tourists to experience adventure and excite
ment, relaxation and bodybuilding. The Equestrian Club integrates equestrian sports, bodybuilding and relaxation together, and is provided with indoor horse fields, obstacle fields, practicing fields, horse training fields and pasturing fields, etc., and holds the horse riding courses taught by experienced coaches, caballeros or horse riders about safe riding knowledge, riding posture, sitting posture and physical training, etc., and irregularly organizes the equestrian competition activities. Nanshan Courtyard is mainly established to represent the historical culture, local buildings, folkloric products, farming equipments, life scenery, etc. of the old Huangxian County and Nanshan Village, attached with Jiaodong civilization of farming and farming products show. Inside the Village, the characteristic catering areas of the old Huangxian County and commercial streets producing and selling Jiaodong folkloric products have been built, with an atmosphere of strong rural and local culture. The Pet Park combines pets breeding, performance and show together, and also provides special entertainment performances of pets.
Religious Culture Park
Religious History and Culture Park in Nnashan Scenic Spot is composed of Nanshan Taoist Temple, Nanshan Buddhist Temple, Nanshan Buddha, Xiangshui Nunnery, Lingyuan Taoist Temple, etc., which are the relics of Jin, Tang, Song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and have thick historical ambience. The ancient architectural complex is constructed harmoniously with the surrounding mountains, forests and waters, and these ancient buildings are simple and elegant, with tortuous and great appurtenance and tremendous momentum. Moreover, Nanshan Buddha in this scenic spot is a precious tin bronze Sitting Buddha of Sakyamuni in the world, with the height of 38.66m and the weight of 380t, which is called the largest bronze sitting Buddha in the world.

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