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Yuntai Mountain blogs  云台山游记
Five one during the holiday, I followed my mom and dad to travel, let me the most memorable is to play in Yuntai Mountain. This is the first time I went to Jiaozuo, Henan, Yuntai Mountain, known as the national. The morning of the first day, we went to Yuntai Mountain Hong danxia. There are spectacular waterfalls, there are beautiful red rocks, very special landscape. Afternoon, we went to the small gully. Listen to guide my brother said there is a monkey Valley, there are a lot of small monkeys, I can not wait to climb to see! There are lots of cute and naughty monkeys in the valley of the monkey. We also saw a monkey show, I think these monkeys are really smart.
The second day morning, we went to the peak forest gap. When we reached the bottom of the valley, we took a boat trip to the Emerald Lake. The lake can be beautiful, like a beautiful emerald mosaic in the mountains! In the afternoon, we went to a shop, where there are four Huai medicines, namely yam, Achyranthes root, Rehmannia glutinosa, Huai chrysanthemum. On this trip, we had a great time!

本文发布于:2023-08-03 19:05:21,感谢您对本站的认可!



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