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orbit [(1) to travel in space around a planet or other object; (2) the path or way an object travels in space around another object or planet]
The spacecraft will orbit the moon three times. (1)
The satellite is in an orbit that will keep it always above the same place on Earth. (2)
order [(1) to give a command; (2) to tell someone what to do; (3) a command; (4) the correct or normal way things are organized; (5) a peaceful situation in which people obey laws]
The sergeant ordered the marching soldiers to halt. (1)
The court ordered election officials to count the votes again. (2)
You have no choice but to obey the order. (3)
The President spoke about a new world order. (4)
Police stopped the rioting and returned order to the city. (5)
organize [(1) to put in order; (2) to put together into a system]
He needed a few minutes to organize his thoughts. (1)
She will help him organize the material for his book. (2)
other [(1) different; (2) of another kind; (3) the remaining one or ones of two or more]
Any other woman would have left him. (1)
He wanted a life other than his own. (2)
That man is short; the other is tall. (3)
our [of or belonging to us]
We ate our dinner in the park.
oust [(1) to force to leave; (2) to remove by force]
The soldiers ousted the farmers from the village. (1)丽江到泸沽湖多少公里
The rebels ousted the President. (2)
out [(1) away from the inside; (2) opposite of in]
He walked out of the house. (1)
She was out of the office when I arrived. (2)
over [(1) above; (2) covering; (3) across, in or on every part of]
She looked up as the plane flew over her. (1)
He pulled the blanket over his sleeping daughter. (2)
She has traveled all over the world. (3)
overthrow [(1) to remove from power; (2) to defeat or end by force]
The people of Yugoslavia overthrew the President. (1)
The report said the generals were plotting to overthrow the government. (2)
owe [to pay or have to repay (usually money) in return for something received]
How much do I owe you for the coffee?
own [to have or possess for oneself]
He said he owned the car.
[a hurt or suffering somewhere in the body]
The injury caused him great pain.
[(1) to cover with a liquid color; (2) to make a picture with liquid colors; (3) a colored liquid used to cover or protect a surface]
He will paint his house next week. (1)
She painted this picture when she was young. (2)
昕怎么读How much paint will you need to paint your house? (3)
[a metal container used for cooking]
Cook your food in this pan.
[a thin, flat material made from plants or cloth often used for writing]
I use a lot of paper for my schoolwork.
[a device that permits a person or thing to fall slowly from an airplane or helicopter to the ground]
He jumps from an airplane and his parachute lets him fall slowly to the ground.
[a group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a special event or anniversary]
She took the children to watch the Independence Day parade.
[to forgive for a crime and release from punishment]
Presidents can pardon criminals.
[a father or mother]
Her parents will be here later.
[a government lawmaking group]
The government ended parliament and called new elections.
[(1) something less than the whole; (2) not all of something]
I spend part of today planning what I will do tomorrow. (1)
Only a small part of this land belongs to me. (2)
[(1) a group of people working together for a political purpose; (2) a group of people or friends gathered together for enjoyment]
She raises money for the Democratic Party. (1)
Bill has invited everyone to a party at his house. (2)
[(1) to go by or move around something; (2) to move along; (3) to cause or permit to go]
You can pass the car in front of us. (1)
The hours passed slowly as he waited to leave. (2)
上海风景名胜区有哪些The guard passed him through the gate. (3)
[a person traveling by airplane, train, boat or car who is not the pilot or driver]
All passengers and the crew of the airplane survived the emergency landing.
[a document permitting a person to travel to another country]
She was arrested for traveling with a false passport.

本文发布于:2023-08-06 00:04:24,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:纪录片   风景   泸沽湖   门票   欧洲
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