外研版(三起)-英语-五年级上册-Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.练习

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Module 4 Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.练习
一、 听音选择你听到的单词
(  )1、  A. shorts    B. shirt    C. T-shirt    (  )2、  A. my    B. me    C. mum
(  )3、  A. wear     B. wash    C. want    (  )4、  A. line     B.  like    C. look
(  )5、  A.  kite    B.  cat    C. clean
香山公园在哪里二、 听音,判断。 
(  )1、 I want to wear a new shirt.          (  )2、Sam took my T-shirt.
(  )3、Did you wash your father’s clothes?
(  )4、My cat is very nice.            (  )5、Linling’s trousers are clean.
三、 匹配。
洗我的鞋子    this pair of shorts        没关系          I’m sorry
在绳子上      my T-shirt            太可爱了        that’s OK
这条短裤      don’t argue            没有穿          what’s the matter
我的T恤      wash my shoes          对不起        didn’t wear 
别吵          on the line              怎么了          so cute
I ________  you ________…的  that_________  dirty_________反义词
this________  cloth __________复数did _________  is _________否定
(  ) 1. What’s_______  matter ?                  A a    B an    C the   
(  ) 2 .He wants ____it .                    A .wear    B .wears    C. to wearing   
(  ) 3 .Your red T-shirts are ____the line.              A on    B in    C at   
(  ) 4 .I washed them ____you.                  A for    B on    C in 
(  )5. Did you ____Lingling’s T-shirt ?        A wash    B washes    C washed
(  ) 6 .--I’m sorry. --_______  .            A. Me, too      B. That’s OK    C. OK
(  ) 7 .I like this pair of_______ .                A. short    B .T-shirt    C . socks
(  ) 8 ____ T-shirt is this ?  –It’s Amy’s.            A Who    B Whose    C What’s
(  ) 9 .Mum bought ____ for me.            A . a shorts    B . short    C . a pair of shorts
(  ) 10 .—What’s the matter, Daming? --_______  .   
A . I like red T-shirt    B. I went to Leshan      C . I didn’t do my homework 
五、 匹配。
湘潭天气预报15天1. (  )Do you like this pair of shorts?            A. No, I didn’t.
2. (  )Where did you buy it?                    B. Great.
3. (  )What did your mu buy for you ?            C. That’s OK.
4. (  )What’s the matter, Amy?                  D. Changjiang Supermarket.
5. (  )Did you wash my shoes?                  E. No. I want trousers.
6. (  )I’m so sorry.                            F. A T-shirt and a hat.
7. (  )let’s go and buy some clothes.              J. Sam took my book.         
pair of      T-shirt    line  argue    matter  for    wash
1.Don’t _______  .        2.What’s the_______  ?
日本旅游景点推荐3.I want this _______  shoes. Mum, buy them_______ me, please.
4.I_______  your new_______  . Look, it’s on the_______  .
5.I want new _______ (shorts/ short) .      6.Is this your _______  (shorts/cap).
7.Xiaolong wants _______ (eat/to eat) some cake.    8._______ (Didn’t/Don’t) talk!
9.Let’s_______ (going/go) shopping.         
10.I didn’t _______ (washed/ wear) my new T-shirt.
澳洲前10名大学A. It is on the line, look.
B. What’s the matter?
C. Where’s your T-shirt ?
D. That’s OK.
-Don’t argue!______
-Tom took my T-shirt. He wants to wear it.
-My T-shirt is on the chair.
-But I washed it for you.______   
-Oh, it’s on the line. I’m sorry.
1.is, the, What, matter ?                    2. bought, Mum, for, a , me, T-shirt.
3. you, this , like, Do, of, pair, shoes?        4. wash, Lingling’s, Did, you, shorts?
5.it , T-shirt, But, your, isn’t.              6. didn’t , kite,  fly, Amy, the , yesterday.
1 This dress is Lingling’s.(划线分提问)_______ dress it is?
2 Is this her bag ?(肯定回答)_______,_______ _______.
3 I washed my shoes.(否定句)I _______ _______ my shoes.
4 I did my homework yesterday.(划线提问)_______ _______you do yesterday?
5 She went to the park yesterday.(划线提问)_______ did she_______  yesterday?

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标签:选择   完成   天气预报   听音   日本
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