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1. Those         not only from books but also through practice will succeed.
A. learn      B. who        C. that learns        D. who learn
2. Mr. Herpin is one of the foreign experts who in         China.
A. works        B. is working      C. are working    D. has been working
3. Didnt you see the man           ?
A. I nodded just now              B. whom I nodded just now 
C. I nodded to him just now        D. I nodded to just now
4. The radio set         has gone wrong.
A. I bought it last week        B. which I bought it last week
C. I bought last week          D. what I bought last week
5. They talked for about a hour of things and persons         they remembered in the school.
A. which        B. that        C. who        D. whom
6. Who         has common sense will do such a thing?
A. which        B. who        C. whom          D. what
广州高铁时刻表查询7. All the apples       fell down were eaten by the pigs.
A. that          B. those        C. which        D. what
8. They asked him to tell them everything         he saw at the front.
A. what        B. that        C. which        D. where
9. This is the biggest laboratory         we have ever built in our school.
A. which        B. what        C. where      D. /
10. Please pass me the dictionary           cover is black.
A. which        B. which of          C. its          D. whose
11. Is this the museum           you visited the other day?
A. that        B. where        C. in which        D. the one
12. Is this museum         some German friends visited last Wednesday?
A. that        B. where        C. in which        D. the one 
13. He was born in the year         the Anti-Japanese War broke out.
A. which        B. when        C. on which        D. during which
14. Mr. Crossett will never forget the days         he spent with his various 北京长城八达岭students.
A. when        B. which        C. during which        D. on which
15. October 1. 1949 is the day         the Peoples Republic of China was founded.
A. which        B. when        C. that        D. on that
16. I have bought the same dress         she is wearing
A. as        B. that        C. which        D. than
17. Is that the reason         you are in favour of the proposal?
A. which        B. what          C. why            D. for that
18. He has two sons,           work as chemists.
A. two of whom  B. both of whom    C. both of which  D. all of whom
十大奢侈品排名19. This is Mr. Smith,           I贵州苗寨 think has something interesting to tell us.
A. who        B. whom        C. that        D. /
20.           , the compass was first made in China.
A. It is known to all    B. It is known that   
C. We all know        D. As is known to all
1. Do you remember those days       _____ we spent along the seashore very happily?
2.Tom did not take away the camera because it was just the same camera       __ he lost week.
3. The man       _______ you talked just now is a worker.
4. This is the very letter         ________ came last night.
5. This is the school 中国甘肃地图      ________ we visited three days ago.
6. This is the factory      ________ we worked a year ago.
7. Do you work near the building       _____ colour is yellow?
8. The room       ______ Mr. White lives is not very large.
9. He returned home safe and sound after a fierce battle,       ______ was unexpected.
10.         ____ is known to all, English is not very difficult to learn.
11. Do you know the reason       ______ she has changed her mind?
12.       ____ was expected, he succeeded in the exam.
13. We should read such books       _____ will make us better and wiser.
14. This is the only book         _____ I can find.
15. I dont like the way       _____ you speak to her.
16.Beijing is the place _____________ he was born.
17.Tom’s father ,_____________ is over sixty, still works hard .
18.Tom drinks a lot every day, _____________ his wife doesn’t like at all.
19.The news ______________ you told us is very exciting.
20.The football match in _____________ the students competed yesterday was very wonderful.
1. They planted the trees.    The trees didn’t need much water.
2. Harry is the boy.          His mother is our maths teacher .

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