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1. The person ________ is talking to the students is our teacher.
    A. whom        B. /          C. who            D. which
2. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person _______ he could turn for help.
    A. that            B. who      C. from whom        D. to whom
3. Mr. White is one of the foreign experts who _______ in China.
    A. worked        B. working      C. are working      D. has been working
4. Mr. White is the only one of the foreign experts who ______ in China.
    A. worked        B. working      C. are working      D. has been working
5. The games ______ the young men competed were very difficult.
    A. in which      B. which        C. that        D. in that
6. Anyone _______ this plan may speak out.
旅游城市推荐    A. that against      B. what against        C. who is against  D. who are against
7. Those ______ not only from books but also through practice will succeed.
    A. learn      B. who learns        C. that learns          D. who learn
8. Finally, the thief handed everything ________ he had stolen to the police.
    A. whatever      B. which      C. what            D. that
9. All ________ is needed is a supply of water.
    A. the thing        B. that            C. what          D. which
10. This is the most interesting film _______ I have ever seen.
    A. which          B. what          C. that            D. of what
11. Didn’t you see the girl____?
    A. I nodded just now                  B. I nodded to her just now
    C. whom I nodded just now      D. I nodded to just now
12. Have you seen the young man_______ ?
    A. that I told                    B. whom I told you       
    C. I told you about            D. I told you
13. He passed the exam this time, _________ pleases his parents.
    A. it            B. which            C. this          D. that
14. I have two sisters, _______ are teachers.
    A. both of who              B. both of whom
    C. both of them              D. whom of both
15. The bike _______ last week has gone wrong.
    A. I bought it                  B. which I bought it
    C. I bought                      D. what I bought
16. We talked for about an hour of things and persons _______ we remembered in the school.
    A. which          B. that          C. who          D. whom
17. The matter ________ you were arguing about yesterday has been settled.
    A. that          B. what          C. why        D. for which
18. They live in a village, _______ there is a small river.
    A. in front of what                  B. in front of which
    C. behind it                            D. around it
19. I can still remember the sitting room ______ my father used to sit in the evening.
    A. what          B. which          C. in that          D. where
20. There was a time _______ there were slaves in the USA.
    A. that            B. which          C. when            D. what
21. I’ll never forget the days ______ we spent in London.
    A. when      B. in that    C. on which        D. which
22. I’ll never forget the days ______ we stayed in London.
    A. when      B. in which        C. on which        D. which
23. Who _______ has any common sense would do such a thing?
    A. which        B. what          C. whom        D. that
24. His father did everything _______ to help him.
    A. what he could                B. which he could
    C. he could                        D. that he could do it
25. She does not see the reason _______ he would like to join them.
    A. why          B. when          C. how          D. where
26. Tom and Mary traveled together as far as Nanjing, ______ they parted.
    A. when      B. which          C. why          D. where
27. I have the same radio ______ you bought just now.
    A. which          B. like            C. as        D. what
28. Such a man _______ you described doesn’t seem to have ever existed.
    A. as          B. which          C. that          D. what
29. Is this company _______ you worked in three years ago?
    A. that          B. the one          C. in which          D. what
30. Is this the company _______ you worked in three years ago?

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