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1. According to the doctor, fresh air is (benefit) to one’s health.
2. I would rather you (come) yesterday.
3. I want to get something (read) during the vacation.
4. In some ways these schools are (differ) from Chinese middle schools.
5. Neither the clerks nor the manager (know) anything about the accident now.
6. I’m (extreme) sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
7. He knows even (little) about the Olympic Games than I do.
深圳儿童乐园门票价格8. The couple seated in the restaurant seemed (have) a wonderful time.
9. Please look after my house and the flowers in the garden during my (absent)
10. Of all his novels, I like this one (well) .
11. Jack must (go) away---we can’t find him anywhere in the factory.
12. If a word is translated incorrectly, it will lead to (misunderstand) .
13. Every year a national plan outlines and (assign)
special problems for research.
14. She sold her house and then (buy) it back again.
15. Normally this street (sweep) every day, but nobody swept it last week.
16. Do you agree that it is important to make yourself (understand) ?
17. I suggested that he (refuse) the offer proposed by that company.
18. Thanksgiving is a (tradition) festival in the U.S and Canada.
19. (strict) speaking, it’s not allowed, but we won’t prevent it.
20. He became (addict) to playing the computer games.
21. The teacher didn’t mind (help) the students in his spare time.
22. You may have (free) of action in dealing with the matter; do exactly what
you think best.
23. The police promised that they (try) their best to look into that matter.
24. People (live) comfortably in the towns hardly feel the pleasure of living in
the country.
25. Even though (give) every opportunity, they wouldn’t try.
26. They returned my keys to me. Someone (pick) them up in the street.
新疆最美的五个地方27. A snowstorm is an unusual (occur) at this time of year.
28. When I found Lucy, she (play) tennis with her classmate.
29. She was too young (assign) such work.
30. Tom is the (bright) of the two boys.
31. At that time we felt the house (shake) .
32. In my opinion, I prefer your (originate) plan to this one.
33. If I (leave) a little earlier, I would have caught the train.
34. Women are sometimes (fair) paid even though they do the same job as men.
35. The roads have to be(wide) so that the problems of traffic jam can be
36. You shouldn’t joke with him, since he is a (change) person.
37. I don’t think it worthwhile (go) to such a place.
38. He has made (few) mistakes in the final exam than I have.
39. On his way home he suddenly remembered that
he (not lock) the door of the office.
40. He rushed into the (burn) house.
41. I am sorry to learn that you have made (improve) on the design at all.
42. Education is regarded as the key (make) progress.
43. She was not completely (sincerely) in what she said.
44. His assistant is busy (correct) papers.
45. The visiting professor gave the students an interesting and highly (information) lecture.
46. He seemed very young, but he was(real) older than all of us.
47. It was(luck) indeed for Mr. Fox to have changed his flight and arrived safely.
48. He was told that the stranger (wait) for him for two hours.
49. John’s performance in this exam made us feel rather (disappoint) .
50. The teacher ordered that all the books(send) at once.
51. He can lift heavy weights because of his (strong) .
52. In addition to (patient) , you need determination to finish it.
53. You should (sharp) your knife, for it is too blunt.
54. You had better (stay) in bed to have enough rest.
55. If you see him, please tell him that his grandmother is (danger) ill.大庆是哪个省
56. You can trust him. He is a (rely) man.台风最新消息广东
57. The film is so (interest) that I have seen it three times.
58. The (arrive) of the famous poet made these students excited.
59. Parents play very important roles in the (form) of their children’s habits.
60. We should give a hand to those who live in great (poor) .
61. All of the workers objected to the (decide) made by the boss at the meeting.
62. With the help of his daughter, the old man climbed Mount Tai (succeed) .
63. I noticed an old lady (get) on bus 11.
64. The actor was almost (know) before he acted in this play.

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