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上海外国语大学附属外国语学校 SFLS
Paper One
I. Choice: 20%
1. I have no idea         Daisy has told me is right.
A. whether        B. what          C. what whether        D. whether what
2. All the good times have to end        .
A. some time      B. sometime      C. some times          D. sometimes
3. He regretted       the decision too hastily.
A. have made      B. to make        C. making            D. to have made
4. The reason       we were late is       we missed the shuttle.
A. why; because    B. why; why      C. why; that          D. that; that
5. Please choose the right sentence among the following options.
A. Diet is the key to keep in good health.
B. Everyone learns best from his own experience.
C. If you don’t know the word, you may consult it in the dictionary.
D. He has trouble with using the facilities which are designed for right-handers.
6.         in the modern society?
A. What changes do you suppose needed
B. Do you suppose what changes are needed
C. What changes do you suppose are needed
D. What are changes do you suppose needed
7. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars      road conditions need         .
A which; to be improved    B that; to be improved
C where; improving        D when; improving
8. The task is difficult.       , time is pressing. We have to spare no effort    on the case.
A. Thus; in working              B. What’s more; in  working
C. However; to work              D. In addition; to work
9.         doesn’t make much difference whether you have a rich background.           really matters is that you should be an independent learner.
A. It; What        B. That; It          C. It; That          D. What; It
10. The road lay ahead of her, and a 福建宁德霞浦穷不穷      华东五市几月份去最合适 gray line spread out as far as the eye can see.
A. continual        B. continuous      C. continually        D. continuously
11. Please choose the right sentence among the following options.
A. You’d better make a reservation for Guangzhou in advance.
B. I don’t doubt whether he will win the championship.
C. I suppose that we can’t finish so much work in one day.
D. The engineers spent 2 years developing solutions to the problem.
12. The Harry Potter series         well and they       out shortly since they were published.
A. are sold; have been sold                B. sell; have sold
C. sell; have been sold                    D. are sold; have sold
13. The ICBC       from 9:00 to 16:30, Monday to Friday but on Saturdays, it           until 13:00.
A. opens; opens              B. is opened; doesn’t open
C. opens; isn’t open          D. is open; doesn’t open
14. The vice president       another diplomatic trip to Asia on August 17th.
A. set out          B. set on          C. set off on        D. set up on
15. If I am made      , I will try my best to improve people’s standard of living by living by implementing university health care.
A. president      B. a president      C. the president      D. to be the president
16. The police found that the house        and a lot of things       .
A. had been broken into…has been stolen
B. has broken into…has been stolen
C. had been broken into… stolen
D. has broken into…has stolen
17. Please choose the WRONG sentence among the following options.
A. He got promoted despite the fact that he lacked experience.
B. He got a promotion despite his lack of experience.
C. He was promoted in spite of the fact that his lack of experience湖北宜昌有哪些旅游景点
D. He was promoted in spite of his lack of experience.
18. Farmers there are more used to       the threat of flooding. So far, more than 5 percent of the total arable land here in China         .
锚湾必去景点推荐A. deal with; has been affected            B. be dealt with; has affected
C. dealing with; has been affected          D. being dealt with; has affected
19. The chairman of the non-profit organization, which       in 1980,
    Bribed(受贿) and put into prison.
A. was found; was found                B. was founded; was found
C. founded; was founded                D. found; was founded
20. The table       , candle lit, dished served, but the person supposed to prepare them       in the cough, playing computer games.

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