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1. Q: When the guest wants to book a standard room in your hotel, but you don’t know whether you have a room or not, what should you say as a reservation assistant?
A: Sir, please wait a minute, I’ll check if we have a room available for you.
2.Q: You come to make up room for a guest, but he tells you that he prefers it later    because he is busy doing some paper work, what will you say?
  AI will say: That’s all right. I will come back later. What time would it be convenient for you, sir?
3.Q: What will you do if the guest says that she wants to use her hairdryer, but it’s 110 volts?
  A: I will tell the guest that the electrical voltage in China is 220 volts. And I will send 欢乐谷游玩项目
  her a transformer or a hairdryer for 220 volts.
4.Q: What should you say when you give the registration form to the guest as a receptionist?
A: Sir, here is your registration form, please check your information,if everything is right, please sign your name here.
5.Q: If the guest comes to you and says he can’t open the door with the key to his room, what will you do?
淮安旅游攻略A: I will go and have a check with him, and help to have his key changed if necessary.
6.Q: Try to introduce the different types and styles of rooms in the hotel to Mr. Bellows    who is making a reservation over the phone.
A: What kind of room would you like, Mr. Bellows? We have single rooms, double rooms,
suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, BritishRoman, French and presidential styles.
7.Q: A guest tells you that he is attending an important conference, and wants to have his suit dry-cleaned as soon as possible. What will you do to help?
A: I will suggest that he take the express laundry service. There will be an extra charge of 50% for the express, but the laundry will be sent back to him in four hours.
8.Q: What’s the information you give when you’re introducing a guestroom to the guest
A: I will introduce the equipment, the services provided, special facilities and the view the guest may get from the room.
9.Q: When the guest wants to do the early departure,what should you ask as a receptionist?
A: Sir, today is not your departure date. Would you want to leave earlier?
10.Q: If the guest says he would like to sleep late the next morning, what will you suggest?
A: Please press the “Do Not Disturb” (DND) button before you go to bed, and you won’t be disturbed the next morning.
11.Q: A guest wonders if the outdoor swimming pool of the hotel is a right place to cool off and relax.
A: Our outdoor roof-top swimming pool features a 150-metre long pool. It presents an excellent oasis for the guests to cool off and relax after a busy day.
12.Q: If the guest asks you to look after the baby for her, what will you say?
A: I’m sorry, madam. Im afraid I cant do that. It’s against our hotel’s regulation. But we have a very good baby-sitting service. The sitters are well-educated and reliable.
13.Q: What will the attendant say to help if a guest asks to have a stain on his clothes removed?
A: Sure. We will try our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.
南海观音在三亚还是普陀山14.Q: What will you say if the guest complains the beef steak sent by Room Service is rare, while he asked for well-done?
A: I’m terribly sorry. I will inform the Food and Beverage Department; they’ll see to the matter and have another steak prepared to your appetite.
15.Q: What will you say if there is no room available for the guest who is calling to make a reservation?
天津海昌极地海洋世界门票价格A: I’m sorry, but we are fully booked. Shall I put you on the waiting list? We will contact you if there is a cancellation.
16.Q: How do you respond to an unexpected request from the guest?
A: I’m not sure, but we’ll see what we can do for you. / I can’t guarantee, but let’s see what we can do.
17.Q: How do you ask the guest how he likes his steak cooked?
A: How would you like your steak cooked? Rare,Medium Rare,Medium,Medium Well,or Well Done?
18.Q: Tell the guest how to ask for Room Service by telephone.
A: You can dial 515 to ask for Room Service. Room Service is available round the clock.
19.Q: Explain to the guest the hotel preference policy in making up rooms.
A: We always make up the check-out rooms first, unless there is a request.
20.Q: Explain to the guest the use of the Hotel Service Directory.
ABy referring to the Hotel Service Directory on the writing desk, you’ll find detailed information about all the services we provide in the hotel.

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