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Lijiang is a very important prefecture-level city in Yunnan province.It is located in the southeast side of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,where the famous scenic spots are Yulong Snow Mountain and the ancient city of Lijiang.It is also a magic city,let many tourists infatuated,linger,release the mood,is also a very leisurely,free place,can let you forget the time,do what you want to do.
顺德天气It is often said that the"Lijiang"in the ancient town of Lijiang actually refers to Dayan Ancient Town.It is one of the three ancient towns of Lijiang,and the other two are Shuhe(ancient town)and Baisha(ancient town).The tallest building in the ancient city of Lijiang is no more than three floors,usually in a wooden structure,and the locals call it the Naxi traditional architectural style.Buildings like this style are still well preserved today.One of the biggest differences between Dayan Ancient Town in Lijiang and other ancient towns in China is that it is an open town without walls,with babbling streams along the roadside,and the fish in the water are also swimming at ease.
The Ming Dynasty Lijiang Tusi Courtyard is often known as Lijiang"Mu fu",it is located in the southwest of the ancient city,it is mimicking the Naxi Palace building of the Forbidden City.According to the records of the Lijiang area,the Lijiang Mufu is a large-scale and orderly layout building,whose overall style is similar to that of the Forbidden City in Beijing.Xu Xiake once lamented,Lijiang wood is"the beauty of the palace,meaning is king"now the ancient city of Lijiang wood is rebuilt on the site,the whole courtyard covers an area of more than 30000 square meters,the axis 369 meters long,wooden archway"rain"four words,is Naxi"reading"homophonic,you can see from here the ancient culture is to advocate ancient Chinese humanities for proud
坦厂中学Yulong Snow Mountain is the closest snow-capped mountain group to the equator.The mountain trend is from north to south,35 kilometers long from north to south,and 25 kilometers wide from east to west.The snow line is more than 4,000 meters above sea level.Yulong Snow Mountain is famous for its precipitous nature,wonder and beauty.It has different scenery,such as grassland,snow areas,forests and waterfalls.The beauty of Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain will change with the change of time and sunshine.Yulong
Snow Mountain consists of 12 snow-capped peaks,and the main peak fan is 559 meters above sea level,just like an open fan,which cuts into the clouds and shows people as if there is a lot of momentum.So far,Yulong Snow Mountain in Lijiang is still an unconquered virgin peak.
Wax ribs hot pot is the third stack of Naxi famous dish of three stacks of water,warm stack in the indispensable main course,usually when there are expensive guests or the Spring Festival.However,now,as long as you want to eat it,you can eat it at any time.Wax ribs practice is not complicated,simple materials,public taste.The production emphasizes the weather conditions.The weather in Lijiang is most suitable for making preserved ribs,so this dish is a unique delicacy in Lijiang.
How can you not eat the famous bridge rice noodles over the bridge,the bridge rice noodles is a unique snack in southern Yunnan,Yunnan region is Yunnan cuisine,origin in Mengzi region,by soup,seasoning,raw pig tenderloin,chicken preserved meat,black fish and five mature pig waist,belly head,water hair squid slices made.

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