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Day 1: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (4 hours) Manjusri Courtyard (2 hours) Chunxi Road 2 Hours) Giant panda breeding and scientific research institutions, fully simulating the wild living environment of giant pandas, are built with lakes, streams, bamboo forests, lawns, and raise more than 100 giant pandas. There is a giant panda museum near the gate, which was built in the Sui Dynasty and is a famous Buddhist temple in western Sichuan. It contains many precious cultural relics and tens of thousands of Buddhist scriptures and documents.巴厘岛最美的三个海滩
路线旅游攻略Manjusri Courtyard, the temple has the temple of the Heavenly King, the hall of the three masters, the hall of the Great Hero, but also worship more than 300 Buddha statues. Among them, one Burmese jade Buddha, listed as "one of the eight views of the empty Forest", was invited back by the courtyard monks on foot to Myanmar, which is extremely precious. The post office sends postcards with a panda postmark and can watch a documentary about the pandas in the cinema.
Chunxi Road is one of the oldest commercial streets in Chengdu, ranking third on the China Commercial Street List. Today's Chunxi Road is still very lively, string up the Zhengke Jia Lane, Department socks Middle Street and other formation of the city's most prosperous business circle, in addition to shopping, Chunxi Road is also the concentration of Chengdu people leisure and entertainment, here gathered several big old food shops in Chengdu, you can eat all over Chengdu snacks in one go.
Day 2: Jinsha Site Museum: 3 hours) Du Fu thatched Cottage (2 hours) Jiuyan Bridge (2 hours) The Jinsha site is a Shang and Zhou Dynasty site, which has unearthed the densest ivory objects and the most abundant gold and jade objects in the same period site in the world. Among them, the most famous is the "sun god bird" gold leaf located in the fourth exhibition hall, which is identified as the Chinese cultural heritage logo and the main pattern of Chengdu city image logo.
中国的名胜古迹years and wrote hundreds of poems, which is regarded as a "holy land" in the history of Chinese literature. Today's Du Fu Thatched Cottage was restored many times by the Son
g, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The garden is full of pavilions and towering ancient trees.
composed of wide alley, narrow alley and well alley, and the unified architectural style is very suitable for taking photos. The antique courtyard of black bricks and tiles, here is also a relatively large-scale ancient Qing Dynasty street left by Chengdu. Together with Daci Temple and Wenshu Courtyard, it is known as the three famous historical and cultural city protected blocks of Chengdu.
The snacks here have the lantern grass cake special cake class snacks. Eat up pure sweet fragrance, soft, delicate, no impurities, and glutinous rice flour fragrance; good and inexpensive, by the elderly and children welcome.游三峡最佳时间和路线
Tile fish, a specialty of Chengdu, Sichuan province, has a natural fragrance and a particularly good taste. It is delicious but not fishy, fragrant without oily, and tender meat, especially it is both hot and edible, and is popular with the public.
Well, the three-day parade is over.青岛灵山岛旅游攻略

本文发布于:2023-08-11 19:03:30,感谢您对本站的认可!



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