Perfect society 完美的社会应该有哪些因素组成? 英语作文

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Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on what an ideal society would be like.What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society in the modern world?How can people work towards achieving an ideal society?
内蒙古五日游攻略Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience.You should write at least 250 words.
Model Essay 1:
Most people in the world have a dream to live in an ideal society and lead    a happy and meaningful life. However, they do not have the same idea about what the perfect society would
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Firstly, social value and social bonding among people is the most important aspect of a perfect society. In a society where people have a strong bonding and obey the social norms tend to lead a better life. Society is formed with many families. If the family members are close and
have a better relationship, they would form a better society. A perfect society must have people with human quality and good social behaviours.
云台山两日游攻略路线详细Secondly, having good infrastructures and services can be one of the requirements of a perfect society. People need the infrastructures and public services to fulfil their necessity. Take people living in Melbourne as an example. Melbourne is claimed as a most livable city in the world and the people can be classified to live in a perfect society. This country has so many modern infrastructures, for example, modern
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Thirdly, an ideal society needs sufficient job fields to work in. People can fulfil their needs by having a good salary from their work and have a good career in the future. For example, people
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n can be created by the society if people can be an entrepreneur. By being an entrepreneur, they can create new work fields for others and reduce the number of unemployed people.
In conclusion, a perfect society has to have good infrastructures and services as well as sufficient job vacancy. Then, this situation can be built by paying tax, obeying the policy, and creating the work-fields by entrepreneurs.

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