英语作文 cashless society 无现金社会

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Coins and paper money will soon be replaced by credit and bank cards. Eventually, we will have a cashless society which will be safer and more convenient for everyone.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. Write at least 250 words.
Sample Answer 1: 成都到九寨沟有高铁
With the technological advancements in the banking system, nowadays people are presented with numerous ways of paying for purchases. It is often said that electronically operated banking cards will displace the use of paper money and coins. However, I don’t believe that modern payment methods will take over completely from traditional banknotes and coins. There are various advantages of modern monetary exchange.
长海县哈仙岛旅游住宿Firstly, it is now increasingly common for people to shop online where they cannot use pape
r money and coins to pay. Thus, people eventually embrace the modern method of payment to be able to participate in online commerce. Secondly, the security features of credit cards and online method of monetary exchange give authorities the capability of tracing the use of the cards. However, if the person carrying money is robbed then it is difficult to find out where the stolen money is used.
Furthermore, the safety features of modern monetary exchange will be invaluable for people who want to keep their hard-earned money safe. Even though electronic cards have brought tremendous comforts and convenience to people, these cannot entirely replace the traditional money exchange. Paper money and metal coins have long been used as a medium of exchange and a standard of value in almost all societies.
张掖的七彩丹霞地貌简介Thus, the traditional monetary system has a cultural, historical and social background which are impossible to change. Internet banking is not always fully secured. There is ample evidence of computer viruses, hackers and crimes. Humans have developed a certain emotional bonding with paper money and coins. Coin collectors, for example, will inevitably get hurt after entire replacement of traditional money and coins. 合肥好玩的地方

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