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题目:Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
With the rapid development of increasing statue of varieties of medium, advertisements have played a more significant role in selling products for each firm. But that it is the power of advertising that totally influent the high sales of popular consumer goods is not feasible.
First of all, even though varieties of ads which are played everywhere all the time definitely have a noticeable influence on the decisions of costumers, not all products that sell well attribute to the power of advertisements. Instead, there are quite a number of popular consumer goods whose ads are not always so fascinating that everyone may be attracted by their fantastic scenes in their ads. Their victories in selling lie in the needs of society and quality, obviously.
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chases to some goods just for the sake of gorgeous ads of these products in the passed ten years. Nevertheless, as the level of education of society keep rising steadily these years. People’s opinions about their consumption have certainly become more and more rational, which results in the emergence of rational consumption undoubtedly. People can not pursue for some ridiculous trends of consumption any more.
In my viewpoint, it can not be denied that the significant role ads played has really affect people’s conception about consumption. But just paying attention to the innovation of their ads rather than the real needs of society for all the manufactures is not wise evidently. (245词)法兰克福是哪个国家

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