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58纺织导报 China Textile Leader · 2018 No.10意大利纺织机械制造商协会
Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, ACIMIT
中国国际纺织机械展览会暨ITMA 亚洲展览会被世界纺织机械行业评为亚洲领先的贸易展会。从第一届展会开始,中国国际纺织机械展览会暨ITMA 亚洲展览会就已证明了其作为世界级贸易展览会的价值,它能够吸引来自亚洲各国家和地区的观众,而不仅仅局限于中国。同时,中国还是世界上大多数纺织机械制造商的主要销售目的地。纺织机械制造商的反响也证实了展会的重要性。意大利再次成为中国国际纺织机械展览会暨ITMA 亚洲展览会的主要参展国家之一。大约130家意大利企业将于10月15 — 19日在上海参展。
中国国际纺织机械展览会暨ITMA 亚洲展览会的观众在意大利参展商的展位上能到满足他们需求的答案。
ITMA ASIA + CITME is considered the leading trade show in Asia by the world textile machinery industry. Right from the very first edition, ITMA ASIA + CITME has proven its worth as a world class trade fair event, capable of attracting visitors from all over Asia, not just China. Moreover China is the main sales destination for the majority of the world textile machinery manufacturers. The response from machinery manufacturers also confirms its overall importance. Italy is, once more, one of the main countries exhibiting at ITMA ASIA + CITME. About 130 companies will be exhibiting in Shanghai from 15 to 19 October.
Textile companies need technologies capable to reduce production costs and at the same time to ensure a good quality product. This situation is also found in the Chinese market, where the attention for the production cycles more careful to environmental sustainability grows.70岁以上老人旅游
Made in Italy textile machines represent the appropriate technological solution to meet the needs of the Chinese companies. Thanks to the constant R&D activities carried out by our manufacturers, the Italian supply is characterized by a strong innovation aimed at making production processes faster and more efficient. Moreover the commitment in the field of sustainability allows textile companies to have at their disposal a technology able
to reduce the consumption of energy, water, raw materials and therefore to reduce the
production costs.
Visitors to ITMA ASIA + CITME will find the right answer to their needs visiting
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Federico Pellegata

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