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Guan Yu,also known as Guan Gong and Emperor Guan Wu,was well known to Chinese women and children。During the Three Kingdoms period,he supported the Han Dynasty and established the Western Shu,which was admired by later generations。As the hometown of Guan Gong,Xiezhou,Shanxi Province was built in an early history,and it is also the largest existing temple in China。Come to Shanxi,how can you not go there to have a look!上海人气最旺的商场
Entering the Guandi Temple scenic spot,I saw a huge stone carving erected in the square in front of the temple,is from three carved lion pattern stone pillars rising from the ground,at the top of an arc intersection,which symbolizes the three vows of Liu Guan and Zhang Taoyuan。When I came to the door of the Guandi Temple,a glazed stone wall came into your eye,engraved with the auspicious dragon dancing and the pattern of the official worship,showing the world the prominent status of Guan Gong and Guan Gong culture in Chinese history。Around the photo wall,the face is three tall red and yellow eav琉球岛会回归中国吗
es arch temple door,the middle of the low。The antique pattern on each door inlaid a plaque,the highest is"Guandi Temple",with"Guanzhong"and"towering"on both sides。The guide said that the three doors,in the middle of the emperor in and out,east gate civilian,west gate military generals。But now that there are no such rules,we have walked through the middle door。After climbing several steps forward,it was a hall building of about five rooms。On its left and right galleries,the main experiences of Guan Yu's life attracted us to stop and watch。At the urging of the adults,we came to the main building of the Guandi Temple"Chongning Temple"。In front of the hall,pine and cypress,lush,the temple surface tall and deep,magnificent,the temple zhou 26 root carving dragon stone column bearing is extraordinary,the whole hall set off the solemn and solemn。There is a incense burner and an altar in front of the temple。We all do as the Romans do,and worship the emperor with incense。I saw the temple guan Wudi sitting like brave and resolute,dignified,respectful。After coming to Chongning Hall,the guide took us to a smooth black long stone surrounded by an iron fence。The stone is about 4 meters long and about 1 and a half meters wide,with a deep crack at th
114网上订票e top。We were wondering,the tour guide said that this is a test knife stone,it is said that when Guan Gong show spirit,with the green dragon Crescent Moon knife on this stone tried to split a knife,the crack remained from now on。We were all amazed。Through the Chongning Hall,we came to the backyard garden,here stands the highest wooden archway"Qi Su Qianqiu"square。On its east side,there is the printing building,and on the west side,there is the knife building,and then it is another important building"Spring and Autumn Building"of the Guandi Temple。蓬莱欧乐堡所有项目

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