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The two-week Harvard Pre-College Program is an intense and exciting experience of the college life. The admission committee is now looking for mature, academically motivated students who will graduate from high school and enter college in 2022.
The Course Experience
With over 30 courses to choose from, you're sure to find a topic that interests you. Although courses are non-credit and do not have letter grades, you need to attend the class in its entirety. When class is not in session, you can participate in creative and social activities. At the end of the program, you'll receive a written evaluation from your instructor, as well as a transcript(成绩单).
·July 24—August 5
How to Apply
Complete an online application and provide supplemental(补充的)materials, including:
·The $75 non-refundable application fee.
·Transcripts from 9th grade to fall 2021 grades: This can include progress reports, report cards, and educational summaries from your high school.
·If English is not your native language, submit scores from the TOEFL IBT or IELTS language proficiency exam along with your application.
Cost &Aid
The total fee for a Harvard Pre-College Program 2022 session is $ 4,950. The program fee includes tuition, room and board, and activity costs for the full two weeks. There is als
o a non-refundable $ 75 application fee and $100 health insurance.
A limited number of scholarships are available to assist students who demonstrate financial need. Awards vary based on need, and a typical award covers part of the tuition.
How to contact us上海十大奢华酒店排名
Interested in learning more about the program? Complete our request form, and a member of our team will contact you.
Phone: (617)495-4023
Email: precollege@ summer. harvard
1.Which is a requirement for students attending the course?
A.Completing 30 courses.    B.Getting required credits.
C.Having a full attendance.    D.Prioritizing social activities.
2.What should be included in supplemental materials?
A.Health certificate.    B.Academic conditions.
C.Financial declaration.    D.Personal integrity.
日月谷温泉70元门票哪里买3.What's the full payment for an admitted student on the program?
A.$75.    B.$100.    C.$4,950.    D.$5,125.
On January 22, 2022, the British-Belgian 19-year-old, Zara Rutherford, successfully landed her two-seat microlight aircraft back at the Kortrijk-Wevelgem Airport, from where she had departed 155 days ago, fulfilling her dream to be the youngest woman to fly around the world solo.
“I feel excited not only to break the Guinness World Record, but also to diminish the gender gap by 11 years between the current youngest male record holder Travis Ludlow 18 at the time of his record, and the previous female record holder Shaesta Waez, who w
as 30 when she completed her ‘Dreams Soar’ around-the-world flight.” Rutherford wrote on her blog.
Rutherford's journey crossing five continents and 52 countries began on August 18, 2021. She encountered numerous unexpected delays along the way. They included an unscheduled stop in Redding, California, due to wildfires and a month-long stop in Nome, Alaska, to renew her Russian visa. She also faced several challenges in the air. When flying from Iceland to Greenland, Rutherford lost radio contact with her ground team for much of the 3-hour flight. The incidents also resulted in her having to cross over Russia in sub-zero temperatures. The hardest part was flying over Siberia—it was extremely cold and if the engine broke down, she'd be hours away from rescue. Despite the severe difficulties, the determined young pilot never gave up on her dream.
Rutherford grew up around airplanes. Her British father flies commercially, while her Belgian mother is a recreational pilot. The young girl began learning how to fly at age 14 and obtained her aviators license in 2020. With her goal of flying around the world accom
plished, Rutherford now has her sights set even higher. She wants to become an astronaut and explore space.
She hopes that her journey will encourage more young women to pursue careers in aviation. Currently the number of female pilots is just 5 percent. Rutherford says, “It's an easy thing to say, but just go for it. If you don't try and see how high you can fly, then you'll never know.”
4.What does the underlined word “diminish" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Narrow.    B.Divide.    C.Fill.    D.Cause.
5.Why did Rutherford have to stop in Nome?
A.The wildfires were too fierce.    B.Her Russian visa was due.
C.The weather was too severe.    D.Her engine broke down.
6.What's the purpose of paragraph 4?
A.To switch to a new topic.    B.To summarize her achievements.
C.To illustrate her admirable talents.    D.To add some background information.
7.What does the passage try to convey?
A.Life is not all roses.    B.Dream big, aim high.
C.Not to advance is to go back.    D.The greatest talkers, the least doers.

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