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Yuncheng,named after the"city of salt transportation",is the hometown of Guan Yu,a famous general of shu in the three kingdoms.The South Gate of Shanxi,known as Hedong in ancient times.Yuncheng has a long history,dotted with places of interest,is one of the main birthplace of the Chinese nation.Many visitors all said with emotion:"ten years of development to see Shenzhen,a hundred years of vicissitudes to see Shanghai,thousands of years to see Beijing,three thousand years dynasty to see Xi'an,five thousand years of civilization to see Yuncheng.""Language:fenhe section of Zhongyuan mandarin,also known as Jinnan dialect.
One:Jiezhou Guan Di Temple three kingdoms shu Guan Yu origin,so Jiezhou Guan Di Temple for the ancestors of the Temple.
Two:Yongle palace,has a long history,outstanding people,is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization,one of the eight immortals lu Dongbin was born here.
Three:Yuncheng Salt Lake,because its salt content is similar to the Middle East"dead sea",people can float in the water does not sink.
Four:stork bird building,also known as stork bird building,because there are stork bird habitat on its name.appearance of four floors,divided into six floors,the building cultural display shows the five thousand years of the Yellow River culture.泰国游价格
诺唯真喜悦号邮轮Five:pujiu Temple,that is,China's famous historical drama"west chamber"story took place.
Welcome to Yuncheng!
南京鸡鸣寺门票多少钱一张Li Ming

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