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北京当地旅游团三日游价格There is no denying that  Kobe Bryant has made a significant impact on basketball in the history of NBA (National Basketball Association ). He was one of the greatest basketball players and had play
ed for the Lakers for the whole of his 20-year career .
Kobe has helped the Lakers win five NBA championships (冠军). As a part of the USA Basketball  Team, Kobe led the team to the gold medal (金牌)at the Olympics in  2008 and 2012. He was named the best player by many sports critics (评论家).
Kobe Bryant was born on August 23, 1978, in Philadelphia, America. His father, Joe Bryant, was also an excellent basketball player. Kobe was pushed by his father from an early age to take up  basketball. He started playing basketball at the age
科比帮助湖人队夺得5次NBA 总冠军。作为美国国家篮球队的一员,他曾带领全队在2008年和2012年奥运会上夺得金牌。多位体育评论家将科比评为“最佳球员”。
Kobe Bryant :
of three. When Kobe was six years old, his father went to Italy to play basketball. Kobe moved there with his family and grew up in Italy. During that time, he learned to speak the local language. When his father retired in 1991, Kobe and his family returned to America. He studied in the Lower Merion High School and played for the school basketball team.
In 1996, Kobe was selected to play for the L.A. Lakers, which was his favorite team from childhood. He became one of the youngest players to play in the NBA game at the age of 18. Though Kobe played for limited minutes in the beginning, he began to get more and more game time as his performances improved.
With the arrival of Phil Jackson as their coach, Kobe Bryant was paired with Shaquille O’N e a l t o f o r m o n e o f t h e m o s t p o w e r f u l combinations(组合)in NBA history. With the two of them performing at their best, the team won 67 impressive matches in a season(赛季).
I n2009a n d
2010,K o b e l e d t h e
L a k e r s t o t h e N B A
C h a m p i o n s h i p a n d
won the NBA Finals
MVP(Most Valuable
I n2015,K o b e
played in the season
begin his 20th season 科比6岁时,他的父亲去意大利继续从事职业篮球运动。科比跟随家人搬往意大利生活,并在意大利成长。在那段时间里,他学会了讲当地语言。1991年,由于父亲退役,全家人又回到美国生活。他在劳尔梅里恩高中就读期间,一直为校篮球队效力。
with the Lakers, as well as his final season.
O n N o v e m b e r29,2015,K o b e B r y a n t announced that he would be retiring at the end of that season. In his poem Dear Basketball, Kobe Bryant wrote:
I fell in love with you.
A love so deep I gave you my all—
From my mind and body,八里河风景区门票
To my spirit
My heart can take the pounding(重击),
My mind can handle the grind(苦难).
But my body knows it’s time to say goodbye.
And that’s ok. I’m ready to let you go.
Kobe Bryant is a basketball legend. His talent could be seen not only on the court(球场) but also in his writing. In a letter for his fans, Kobe wrote, “My love for this city, this team and for each of you will never fade. Thank you for this incredible journey.”
After retiring, Kobe would have some time to rest, but he also felt excited about what was to come. He had been trying different things. He created a company and acted in some films. According to Kobe, no matter what he would do next, his love for basketball would never change.球》这首诗中,科比写道:
● There is no
意为“不可否认的是……”。如:There is no denying that this practice will appeal to students. 不可否认,这一举措对学生很有吸引力。
● take up
意为“开始从事(工作);喜欢上”。如:1) He dropped medicine and took up physics. 他放弃学医,开始学物理。2)For a long time I had wanted to take up writing. 很久以来,我一直想从事写作。
1. K o b e  s t a r t e d  p l a y i n g  b a s k e t b a l l  a t  t h e  a g e  o f  3.
2. K o b e  m o v e d  t o  I t a l y  w i t h  h i s  f a m i l y  a t  t h e  a g e  o f  6.
3. K o b e  B r y a n t  w a s  p a i r e d  w i t h  S h a q u i l l e  O ’N e a l  t o  f o r m  o n e  o f  t h e  m o s t  p o w e r f u l
c o m b i n a t i o n s  i n  N B A  h i s t o r y .
4. K o b e  h a d  p l a y e d  i n  t h e  N B A  f o r  20 y e a r s .
Answer the following questions. 回答下列问题。    1.When did Kobe start playing basketball?
2.Where did Kobe move with his family at the age of 6?
3.Who became the best partner of Kobe in the Lakers with the arrival        of Phil Jackson as their coach?
4.How many years had Kobe played in the NBA?
career /kə'rɪə/ n. 职业;事业She started her career as an English teacher. 她开始了她作为英语老师的职业生涯。
select /sɪ'lekt/ v. 选拔
We are going to  select two students to represent the school. 我们要选拔两名学生作为学校代表。im
prove /ɪm'pruːv/ v. 改进;提高
I need to  improve my French. 我需要提高我的法语水平。impressive /ɪm'presɪv/ adj. 令人赞叹的;令人敬佩的It is an  impressive  achievement. 那是一项了不起的成就。complete /kəm'pliːt/ v. 完成
He will assist you to  complete  the task. 他将辅助你完成这项任务。announce /ə'naʊns/ v. 宣布;通知He will  announce  tonight that he is resigning from office. 他将于今晚宣布辞职。retire /rɪ'taɪə/ v. 退休;退役
He was forced to  retire  because of ill health. 由于身体不佳,他不得不退休。incredible /ɪn'kredəbl/ adj. 难以置信的;极好的The hotel was  incredible . 这家旅馆棒极了。

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