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During the summer vacation,my parents and I went to Lushan Mountain.The scenery there is beautiful,the air is fresh,the biggest characteristic is very cool.No wonder it is praised as a "summer resort".
Mount Lushan has many scenic spots and historic sites with charming scenery.First,we came to the"beautiful Valley".Along the way,we saw strange peaks and rocks and cliffs.Our path is so steep that we could fall off a cliff if we're not careful.There,I climbed the mountain and looked down into the abyss.About a quarter of an hour,we climbed to the top of the mountain.At this time,I look down again,wow,the scenery is really beautiful!东戴河哪个景点最好玩
九寨沟景点分布示意图Then,we visited the fairy cave.The water inside the big stone drops into the lotus pond in the Immortal Cave.How wonderful!I also rode on the turtle's back to take a picture!It reminds me of a poem by MAO Zedong:"Look at the jinsong in the dusk,the chaotic clouds are still calm.Born a fairy cave,infinite scenery in the perilous peak."
Finally,we went to the"Flower Path".There was a small pavilion with two large characters"Flower Path"written inside.According to the guide,the two characters were written by bai Juyi,a great poet of the Tang Dynasty.After another walk,we saw bai Juyi wrote a catchy ancient poem:"The world in April fangfei,temple peach blossom began to bloom.Long hate spring to find no place,I do not know into the middle."Because there are poems written by Bai Juyi,it attracts many tourists to visit here.
Time is late,we reluctantly returned to the West Lake hotel.

本文发布于:2023-08-28 18:20:45,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:景点   江西   庐山   九江   风景区   柬埔寨
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