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Taizhou Fengcheng River Scenic Area, to fall back on Fengcheng River, with water as pulse, human soul, focused and completely reflect the country as a rare urban Aqua, highlights the long history of Taizhou context.美国佛罗里达州地图
  泰州是一座水的城市。水是泰州的特和灵魂。哺育世世代代泰州人的凤城河,千亩水域绕城四周,是江苏省现存的为数不多的较完整的千年古城河。泛舟河上,您会充分领略到“州建南唐”的历史厚重。 凤城河畔,望海楼山东地图高清版最新、桃园景区内30多个景点汇集了泰州历史、戏曲、民俗、商贾四大特文化。景区内核心景观望海楼,始建于宋,明清重建,更领江淮雄风,国学大师文怀沙老人称其为“江淮第一楼”。楼西文会堂,史载初为北宋滕子京所建。列北宋时在泰为官,而后升迁至宰相的晏殊、范仲淹富弼韩琦吕夷简五相史料,堂前植“五相树”;立中国雕塑院院长吴为山所作范仲淹青铜塑像,加之以景区内的已有千年之久的州城遗址和宋城古涵等景点,一切尽显泰州“州建南唐,文昌北宋,名城名宦交相重”的辉煌历史。望海楼隔河为桃园景区,取孔尚任寄寓泰州陈庵创作《桃花扇》
Taizhou is a city on the water. Water is a feature of Taizhou and soul. Taizhou nurtured generations of people Fengcheng River, acres of waters around the city around, Jiangsu Province, one of the few extant of the ancient city of more complete river. Boating on the river, you will fully appreciate the "Southern Tang state building" in the history of heavy. Fengcheng River, sides, Taoyuan area in Taizhou, a collection of more than 30 attractions of history, drama, folklore, cultural characteristics of the four merchants. Wanghai scenic landscape within the core, was built in the Song, Ming and Qing reconstruction, more collar JAC glory, Great Masters Wen Huaisha elderly called "JAC first floor." Building Western Hall, contains the history of the early Northern Song Teng Jing built. Column when the Northern Song Dynasty official in Thailand, and then promoted to prime minister
of Yan Shu, Fan Chung-yen, FU Bi, Han Qi, Lv Yijian five-phase historical data, break and plant the "five-phase tree"; Li Wu Chinese Academy of sculpture by Fan Chung-yen bronze statue of the mountain, combined with the existing within the area for thousands of years of ancient Han Song Dynasty chow sites and other attractions, all full of Taizhou, "state building Southern Tang, Wen Song, city Minghuan cross-heavy" the glorious history. Wanghailou river in Taoyuan area, take creative Kong Shangren ignited Taizhou Chen Temple, "Peach Blossom Fan," meaning, and Taizhou Plum theater, Liuyuan assessment, then linked to three parks line to form a "culture of opera Sam Ka 'unique cultural tourist attractions, wander, just like walking in the corridor Chinese opera culture. Area, the Phoenix girl, flying Bell, powdered soup bridges a beautiful folklore same people forget. Taoyuan east six hundred meters long, the granite streets, brick and black tiles, displaying the Ming and Qing to the Republic of Taizhou ancient streets, water bags, water foreskin, theater book market, Taizhou city's grass-roots culture here to do now. The sites have been designated as national AAAA level scenic spot.
An Ancient Town ---Qingtong(溱潼古镇—八景•八鲜•会船节)
美国拉斯维加斯图片In ancient times, Qingtong town was near the sea and at the joint of Taizhou, Yancheng and Nantong. With a long history and far-reaching cultural tradition, Qingtong is surrounded by rivers and lakes, water covering an area of over 30 square kilometers of the green island.
There are a lot of beautiful scenic and historic spots as well as cultural relics in Qingtong. Of them are “Eight sights of the Qinghu Lake”, including paradise of fishermen—Dong Gu
an(东观), a Taoist temple established in the Jin Dynasty, as well as the Academician Old House. In front of the temple there’s a harbor. When the sun is setting, you can admire the magnificent view. As the character of the old Qintong town, little bridges and streams, deep lanes and streets made of ancient stones, make the whole town a picture of itself. There are about 23 ancient streets and lanes and 60,000 square meters of ancient styled houses in the town, of which 20,000 square meters are of the styles of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Visitors coming to Qintong are always deeply impressed by its unique brick culture.
In addition, one of the most famous is the Chinese scholar tree(槐树) from the Tang Dynasty. It’s thriving and age-old. Besides, there’s the camellia(茶花)planted late in the Song Dynasty and well-known as “the divine land camellia king”. It grows in a local-style dwelling house. It has ten thousand flowers when it blossoms. As a cultural heritage of the world, the camellia is unique and rare in China.
As is known to all, there is a food festival from the beginning of April to May every year. “
Eight dishes of Qinghu Lake” are held in reputation, using aquatic products of the QinghuLake as ingredients.
The most famous is tQingtong Boat Festival, which has a long splendid history . In the Song Dynasty, Zhang Rong and Jia Hu fought the aggressive Jin army at SuotouLake. To mourn the soldiers who devoted their lives to guarding their land, the Qingtong native would gather in QinghuLake to race boats every year. From the event comes China Qingtong Boat Festival nowadays. When racing, people on different boats are dressed in different styles and spare no efforts to win the first place, while people on the bank are watching and cheering for them. After boat- racing, there are a series of performances, banquets and other activities that embody folk customs.
In 2001, the QinghuLake was approved as a provincial tourist attraction by People's Government of Jiangsu Province. It is one of the three low-lying wet lands in China. It’s a good tourism destination abounding with waters, islands, Mi-lu deer, and beautiful scenery. Through the festival and rich activities, people from all over the world can promo
te their understanding and friendship and have fun here. Qingtong is really a charming place for a visit!

本文发布于:2023-08-30 07:49:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



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