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爬华山一年死多少人 Beihai Park
Beihai park is located in the center of Beijing, it was first built more than 1,000 years ago during Liao Dynasty. I珠海海泉湾温泉酒店t is also the best-preserved imperial garden in China.
Hall of Heavenly King.
Hall of Heavenly King(天王殿)
I去哪儿飞机票网上订票查询t was built in the Ming Dynasty and was the place to translate and print the Tibetan Buddhist scriptures.
Nine-Dragon Screen(九龙壁)
贵州的旅游景点There are three Nine-Dragon Screens in China, the largest one is in the city of Datong, Shanxi Province. The other one is in the Forbidden City. The one in Beihai park is the best one because it is the only one in China that nine dragons were built on double sides. Originally, the screen served as a screen for a temple behind it, but in 1900, the temple was destroyed and only the screen has remained.
观澜山水田园好玩吗Iron Screen Wall(铁影壁)
This wall is actually a piece of artwork carved from lapillus, but as the brown color looks like the color of iron, people named it Iron Screen Wall. 俄罗斯留学回国含金量It is a masterpiece of Yuan Dynasty and was finally moved to Beihai Park as a decoration. Nowadays in Beijing, there are a lot of carving sculptures made in Ming and Qing Dynasty, but rarely can we find one made in Yuan Dynasty. So the Iron screen wall has great artistic value. 精心搜集整理,只为你的需要

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