the Second World War

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From September 1th 1939 to August 15th 1945 .
It effected from Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, has had 61 countries and regions, 20 million people are involved in wars, operational area of 2,200 square kilometers.
西安回民街千万不要去The second world war ended with the victory of the anti-fascist alliance.
World war ii member
  翠华山旅游攻略 法西斯fascism国家:Countries:
反法西斯国家:Anti fascist countries:
美国American英国Britain苏联The Soviet union中国China
Root causes
资本主义经济政治发展的不平衡引起的。It is caused by the unbalance of the development of capitalist economic and political.经济上,一战后德国不甘心《凡尔赛和约》对其的严惩和限制,依靠美国的扶植,经济再度超过了英法;Economically, German unwilling the punished and restrictions of Versailles treaty ,rely on the assistance of America, the economic catch on the Britain and France again.意大利在一战后经济衰落;On the other sides,the economy of Italy is declining,日本侵略亚洲国家的同时,美英等国禁止向日本输送石油战略物资,导致日本经济发展受到阻碍。The economy of Japanese was under control.政治上,1929—1933年资本主义世界严重的经济危机引起了政治危机,德国和日本建立了法西斯专政,而英、法、美继续坚持资产阶级民主制度。Politically, 1929-1933 capitalist world serious economic crisis caused by the political crisis, Germany and Japan  established a fascist dictatorship青岛市旅游攻略必去景点大全. U.S., British and French continue bourgeois democratic system.世界大战彻底爆发。World war break out.
World war ii major events
193991日,德国进攻波兰On 1th September 1939, Germany attacked Poland
93日,黄山在哪个省英法对德宣战。September 3th, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Then the second world war break out.
1940年,德国发动闪电攻势。In 1940, Germany launched "lightning attack."(称白闪电49日攻占丹麦和挪威,510日攻占荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、随后进攻法国。)(called "white lightning. April 9 conquered Denmark and Norway, May 10 -ried the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, then France).
为了接着征服苏联,希特勒策划了《In order to conquer the Soviet union, then the Hitler's plan德意日三国同盟条约The triple alliance treaty, Germany and Italy》。".194097日柏林签定完毕。In 1940, signed on September 7, Berlin.
1940610日,意大利向英法宣战,战火烧到了地中海和非洲。On June 10th, 1940, Italy decared war on Britain and France, war fire burn into the Mediterranean and Africa.
1940622日,德军发起总攻,法国投降。In 1940, June 22, German attacked French,and France surrender.
1940716日,希特勒发出了关于入侵英国的训令(海狮计划)。In 1940, July 16, Hitler's invasion of England issued instructions (sea). 1941622日,德国撕毁条约入侵苏联,苏德战争爆发。In 1941, Germany, tearing up the treaty and invaded the Soviet union.
1941930日,德军进攻莫斯科,即莫斯科保卫战。On September 30, 1941, the germans attacking Moscow, namely Moscow relieved.德军莫斯科战役的失败,为斯大林格勒战役即二战转折奠定了基础。The German Moscow campaign of failure, for stalingrad transitions that war laid a foundation.
1941127,日本偷袭珍珠港,太平洋战争爆发On dec. 7th, 1941, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the outbreak of the Pacific war.次日下午,美国对日宣战,还有其他20多个国家同时对日宣战,第二次世界大战全面爆发。The afternoon, the United States declared war on Japan, there are other more than 20 countries and to declare war.
194211日,anti-fascist united-front eventually formed.
1942安徽池州天气预报15天查询717日,斯大林格勒战役爆发,成为二战转折点。In 1942, July 17, the outbreak of the battle starlingrad, become stalingrad.
194466日,诺曼底登陆,德国全面溃败。On June 6th, 1944, Normandy landing, Germany comprehensive routing.
19452月,美国、英国、苏联三国首脑在苏联雅尔塔召开会议。In 1945, February, the United States, Britain, the Soviet union leaders in three YaErDa meetings.会议决定打败德国后,要对德国进行军事占领,彻底消灭德国的法西斯主义,同时,还决定成立联合国。After the Germany defeat meeting decided to Germany, the German military occupation, eliminate the fascism, at the same time, also decided to set up the United Nations. 194398日,意大利无条件投降。In 1943, September 8, Italian surrender unconditionally.
194557日,德国无条件投降On May 7, 1945, the German surrender unconditionally.
194586日,美国投掷轰炸日本In 1945, the United States on August 6, throwin
g the atomic bombings of Japan广岛Hiroshima24.5万人口中死亡和失踪人数达71379人,受伤人数近10万。24.5 million deaths, 71379 casualties and missing injured people, nearly 10 million.
194588日,苏联对日宣战。In 1945, August 8, the Soviet union declared war to Japan.
194589日,美国投掷轰炸日本In 1945, the us on August 9, throwing the atomic bomb in Japan长崎Nagasaki23万人口中的约148千人伤亡和失踪。The 23 million people, about 14 million eight thousand casualties and missing.
1945In 19458月15日August 15,日本无条件投降Japan surrendered unconditionally.
1945In 19459月2日On September 2,日本政府代表在美国战舰密苏里号的甲板上签署无条件投降书In the United States and the Japanese government representing the battleship Missouri "unconditional surrender signed on deck.
World War II ended with the victory of the anti-fascist alliance
The war cruel consequence
去凤凰古城坐高铁应该到哪  第二次世界大战是历史上死伤人数最多的战争,大约有6000万人死亡(其中苏联为2700万死亡,中国约为1800万死亡),至少1.3亿人受伤,合计伤亡1.9亿人(其中苏联约为6000万伤亡,中国约为3500万伤亡)。The second world war in the history of the war, had the most casualties. About 60 million people die (including the Soviet union to 27 million deaths, China for about 18 million death), at least 1.3 billion people were injured, total casualties 1.9 million people (including approximately 60 million casualties of the Soviet union, China for about 35 million casualties).

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