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The Running-Plan-Manager base on Android and Baidu-map API
Abstract:With the development of society, the issue of human has given rise to people’s concern. Running,as an effective aerobic exercise,asks lower requirements on space and equipment which mak
e running become famous among the crowd and lead to a large range of running fever.However,most people encounter many situations during the exercise, such as inadequate or excessive movement, which are all due to a lack of professional knowledge. Therefore, provide "intimate private sports coaches" service for more people has become a worthy of research and development project.In the meantime, the application of move terminal is developed along the social trend. For cater to the rise of running fever,all kinds of assistant softwares were updated and refined on their own platform.The content of this graduation thesis is to design a Running program management application on Android,an popular open source platform.This application can complete the auxiliary function of map display with the help of Baidu Map API.Hope to complete    a simple, effective application through a standardized development process, which from the analysis to the design and of the final
to the test section.That the program is needed users to check their amount of exercise data and to set the running plan which suits for themselves as well as to timely send a remind to users in planning cycle is in order to let users forecast and assess their sport results to optimize the running.
Key words :android, java, Baidu Map, plan, running 目录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题介绍 1日照海洋公园
1.2 可行性研究分析 1
1.2.1 本课题的研究意义 1
1.2.2 研究结论 4
1.3 开发环境及数据库概述 5
1.3.1 开发硬件环境 5
1.3.2 开发系统环境 5
1.3.3 开发工具 6五一旅游团
1.3.4 数据库 6
2 程序功能及需求分析 7
2.1 功能需求分析概述 7
2.2 设计思想 7
2.2.1 设计原则 7
2.2.2 系统开发步骤 8
2.2.3 程序输入输出及性能要求 9 2.2.4 功能模块 9
2.3 跑步计划管理界面流程设计 12
3 系统数据库设计 13
3.1 数据库表的设计 13
3.2 E-R图 15
3.2.1 系统E-R图 15 :
4 程序设计 16
4.1 系统概要设计 16德国签证最新政策
4.1.1 系统用例图 16
4.2 详细设计 17
4.2.1 跑步选择相关界面 17
4.2.2 数据统计界面设计 26
5 程序的测试及结论 29
5.1 程序的调试 29
5.2 程序的测试 29
5.2.1 程序测试的目的及重要性 29 5.2.2 程序测试的过程 29
5.2.3 本系统的主要测试情况综述 30 结束语 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
1 绪论
北京三日游攻略和最佳路线1.1 课题介绍
百度地图API是为开发者免费提供的一套基于百度地图服务的应用接口,包括JavaScript API、Web服务API、Android SDK、iOS SDK、定位SDK、车联网API、LBS云等多种开发工具与服务,提供基本地图展现、搜索、定位、逆/地理编码、路线规划、LBS云存储与检索等功能,适用于PC 端、移动端、服务器等多种设备,多种操作系统下的地图应用开发。

本文发布于:2023-09-05 20:18:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



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