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汤加王国河源一日游最佳景点This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of。Let's travel to Shaoshan,Here is him lighting the flame of revolution, leading our party and people to find the correct path of the new democratic revolution Complete the task of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal, establish the People's Republic of China, and establish the starting point of the socialist system。
In the Communist Party of China。 It has been baptized by 100 storms and hardships。 It has experienced 100 experiences and grown up。 The CPChas madeChina more and more beneficial to the world's national forest。 He will continue to go with the Chinese people to a better tomorrow。 Let us cherish the memoryo f history, the vision of the future, and create a new and beautiful China with the Communist Party of China。拉萨天气预报30天查询

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