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A    B    C
D    E    F新疆未来15天天气预报
1. ________
3. _________
4. _________
6. A. On Monday.  B. On Tuesday.  C. On Wednesday.
7. A. Under the table.    B. On the sofa.  C. In the box.
8. A. Dance .  B. Swim.  C. Draw.
9. A. Playing basketball.    B. Playing the piano.    C. Walking his dog.
10. A. Their school.    B. A library.    C.A store.
11. On Sunday morning, I usually get up very early.
12. I often go to a shopping center with my sister after breakfast.
13. It takes us about 20 minutes to walk to the shopping center.
14. Young children may get lost because the shopping center is so big.
15. The shop workers are always kind and friendly.
16. Where does Mike want to go this weekend?
Mike wants to go to the __________ this weekend.
17. What does Mike think of pandas?
Mike thinks pandas are __________.
18. What club is Laura in?
Laura is in the________ club.
19.When do Laura and Mike go to the club?
Laura and Mike go to the club on _________.
20.How do Laura and Mike go to the club?
Laura and Mike go to the club __________.
21. A. usually    B. brush    C. Sunday
22. A. arrive    B. relax    C.cat
23. A. club    B. country    C. center
24. follow    A. stop    B. love    C. over
25. sleep    A. terrible    B. dream    C. learn
isn’t useful. The only thing she can do is 26 .”
Cuckoo loves singing. She sings from day to night. Autumn is coming. All birds are busy collecting seeds (收集种子) for 27 . But Cuckoo isn’t. She is singing.
The birds ask Cuckoo 28 . Cuckoo says, “Let me 29 .” She always says
she sees the trees are on fire(着火). “Oh, no! The seeds are 31 !” Cuckoo calls the birds to save the seeds. But they can’t 32 in time. Cuckoo has to do that by herself. After
taking all the seeds out of the fire, Cuckoo is tired but happy, because she does 33 .
When the other birds come back, they are 34 to see the burned(烧过的) trees. Then Cuckoo 35 about the fire and seeds. Hearing that, the other birds say Cuckoo is their hero(英雄).
What a brave Cuckoo!
26.__________ 27.__________ 28.__________ 29.__________ 30.__________
31.__________ 32.__________ 33.__________ 34.__________ 35.__________
Zhang Juan and her classmates are in a small village in China. They all have some small
36.Wang Na lives with her ________.
A. grandparents
B. uncle
C. parents
37.What does Zhang Juan want to do?
A. Live with parents.
B. Take a trip to Beijing.
C. Have a school library.
38.What can we learn from the material(材料)?
A. Wang Na doesn’t like her parents.
B. Liu Min loves storybooks.
C. There are many books in Liu Min’s school.
39.What is the best title(标题) of the material?
A. The students’ parents and school.
龙川县天气预报B. A small village in China.乌鲁木齐旅游团报价
C. The students’ small dreams.
Winter is the season that comes after autumn and before spring. Winter is usually the coldest(最冷的) time of a year and in some places, it brings cold, snow and ice. Here are different ways to know it’s winter.
The days are shorter and the nights are colder. December 22nd in 2023 is the start of the coldest days in winter, and it is the shortest day of the year!
The sun isn’t warm in winter. There is lots of rain or snow in winter. People and animals don’t like to go outside.
Trees and plants(植物) usually go to sleep or go away. So when you look outside, you’ll see a lot of brown things, not the green ones. There are no leaves(叶子) on most of the trees.
Some animals hibernate(冬眠), but others keep food in autumn to eat in winter, because it is difficult to find food. Many birds fly from the north to warm places for the winter. This is called migration(迁徙). They will come back when spring comes.
40. Which season comes between autumn and next spring?
A. Spring.
B. Autumn.
C. Winter.
41. Which of the following can tell us that it’s winter?
A. When you look outside, you can see green trees and beautiful flowers.
B. The days are longer and the nights are warmer.
C. Many birds fly from the north to warm places.
西什库教堂42.How is the passage organized(组织)?
A.  B.  C.
43. In which part of the newspaper can you read the passage?
A. Weather.
B. History.锡林浩特旅游
C. Sports.
How do you get to school, by bus or by bike? I like taking the bus because my home is far
“ I get up at 6:30 every morning, then brush my teeth, wash my face and have breakfast.
45 . I walk to school from 7:30 and usually get to school at about 7:50. I always recite(背诵) on the way to school. My father buys a new car and he wants to drive me to school every morning. 46 . Now he always walks to work. After dinner, my mother likes watching TV and my father likes drawing. But I think they need to exercise. So I ask them to stop
根据短文内容, 从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,使短文内容通顺完整, 有一项多余.
48.She is busy writing her stories and sends them to an editor(编辑) in London.
49.She lives in the land of Oz and knows some magic.
50.She is a kind and helpful girl and wants to come back home in Kansas.
51.She thinks boys are horrible(讨厌的) when she argues(争吵)with her brother.
52. The station master helps the children’s father out of prison(监狱).
53. When their mother gets ill, the railway children write a letter to their father for help.
54. Scarecrow only has straw(稻草) in his body and he wants a heart.
55. The wizard of Oz isn’t a real wizard and he doesn’t know any magic.
A.Bobbie stays on the line and waves her two flags very hard at the train.
B.The old gentleman helps to find the Russian man’s wife and children.
C.The children decide to pick some cherries(樱桃) for the Russian man.
D.The railway company(公司) wants to thank the children for saving the train.一周天气预报15天情况分析
56. ________ →57. ________ →58. ________→59. ________
①Who impresses(给人留下深刻印象) you most?

本文发布于:2023-09-09 09:39:46,感谢您对本站的认可!



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