广西柳州高中初中英语八年级下册Unit 9经典练习题(专题培优)

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1.—Can you come to my housewarming party?—________.When is it?
A.I'm not available    B.Sorry to hear that    C.I'm glad to help you    D.Sure,I'd love toD
句意:——你能来参加我的乔迁派对吗?——当然,我很乐意。它是什么时候?A. I'm not available我没有空;B. Sorry to hear that听到这个很难过;C. I'm glad to help you我很高兴帮助你;D. Sure,I'd love to当然,我很乐意。对于Can you come to my housewarming party?可用Sure,I'd love to来回答,根据题意,故选D。
2.大连旅游几月份去最好--Is that Miss Liu over there?
--No,it can’t be her.She _______to the USA.
A.goes    B.has been to    C.will go    D.has gone toD
句意:——那边是刘老师吗?——不可能是她,她已经去了美国。have/has gone to表示某人去了某地还没回来;have/has been to表示某人曾经去过某地,现已回来。不可能是她,言外之意还没回来,所以答案选择D。
点睛:have (has)been to表示曾经去过某地,现在已经回来;have(has)gone to表示现在去了某地,还没有回来。例如:1. I have been to Beijing.我曾经去过北京。(但是我现在不在北京。)2. Where is your father?  He has gone to Beijing.你的父亲在哪?他去了北京。(还没有回来)3. have/has been in表示“在某地呆了多少时间”,常与时间段状语连用。如:I have been in Shanghai for three years.我到上海已有三年了。
3.--Hi,Mom.Could you show me      a cake?1 want to learn it.
--Of course.
A.when to make    B.how making    C.where to make    D.how to makeD
句意:——嗨,妈妈。你能教给我怎么做蛋糕吗?我想学。---当然。考查疑问词加动词不定式。根据句意选择疑问词 how“如何”,故答案为D。
4.—Have you ever tried food in Singapore?
—Yes.______ you like Indian food, Western food ______ Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore.
A.Either;or    B.Neither;nor    C.Both;and    D.Whether;orD
句意:——你曾经尝试过新加坡的食物吗?——是的,无论你喜欢印度食物,西方的食物还是日本的食物,你将在都在新加坡到它。Either;or或者,或者“表示两者”;Neither;nor既不,也不,“表示两者”;Both;and……和……都,表示两者; Whether;or无论…….和…….都。根据you'll find it all in Singapore.可知都能在新加坡到,此处指三者或三者以上,故选D。
5.The little lion has grown up and it’s able to find food by ________.
A.itself    B.it
C.themselves    D.themA
句意:小狮子长大了,它能自己到食物了。考查反身代词辨析题。by通过/由,后接反身代词;the little lion是单数人称,根据句意结构和语境,可知选A。
6.After hearing the scary story, the little kid hid behind the door and shook with ________.
A.stress    B.surprise
C.laughter    D.fearD
句意:听到可怕的故事后,小男孩躲在门后,吓得发抖。考查名词辨析题。shake颤抖;shake with fear恐惧得发抖。根据句意和语境,可知选D。
7.Joe, you should give up playing computer games. It’s ________ a waste of time.
A.suddenly    B.hardly
C.simply    D.heavilyC
句意:乔,你应该放弃玩电脑游戏。这纯粹是浪费时间。考查副词辨析题。A. suddenly猛然地;B. hardly几乎不;C. simply简单地;D. heavily沉重地。根据句意结构和语境,可知ABD三项意思都与句意不合,故选C。
8.—Where is Mr. Miller?
—He ________ to New York. He ________ there three times.
A.has been; has gone    B.has gone; has gone
C.has gone; has been    D.has been; has beenC
万宁句意:——米勒先生在哪儿?——他去纽约了。他去过那里三次了。考查动词时态辨析题。has been to和has gone to都表示“去”的意思,但前者表示去过但现在已经不在那儿,后者表示去了但还没回来。根据句意结构和语境,可知选C。
9.—Do you know Bob?
—Who is he? I have never ________ him.
A.talked about    B.cared for
C.heard of    D.heard fromC
句意:——你认识鲍伯吗?——他是谁?我从未听说过他。考查动词辨析题。A. talked about谈论;B. cared for关心;C. heard of听说;D. heard from收到……来信。根据句意结构和语境,可知ABD不合句意,故选。C
10.—Hello! Could I speak to Lily?
—Sorry, she is sleeping now. She ______ Shanghai.
A.have just been to    B.have already gone to
C.has just been to    D.has already gone toC
考查have been to与have gone to辨析。just刚刚,already已经。have gone to表示去了,还没有回来;have been to表示去过,去了又回来了。根据she is sleeping now可知她去了
上海,又回来了,故用have been to。主语she是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数,故为has been to。故选C。
11.—“Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently.
—Yeah, it receives ______ Internet hits a day.
A.thousands    B.thousands of
C.thousand    D.hundreds中国一线城市B
句意:——最近“食品安全”已经成为一个最热门的话题之一。——是的,它一天收到网上成千上万的点击量。thousands of成千上万的,hundred百,hundreds 加of时修饰名词。故选B。
12.Dear children, this is      unusual exam.      exam is very important to you. Please take it easy. Wish you good results.
A.an, The    B.a, The    C.an, An    D.a, AnA
句意:亲爱的孩子们,这是一个不寻常的考试。这个考试对你来说很重要,请不要担心,祝你考个好的结果。考查不定冠词。根据题干 Dear children,this is ______ unusual exam.______ exam is very important to you.可知第一空这里表示泛指,unusual 首字母是元音音素开头,所以用an;第二空考试是特指,这里的exam特指第二次提到的事物,所以用the,故答案选A。
13.木札岭天气—Jim isn't in the classroom.Where is he now?
—He ______ the library.
A.will go to    B.has been to
C.has gone to    D.goes toC
句意:——吉姆不在教室里。他现在在哪里?——他去了图书馆。has been to去了某地,又回来;has gone to表示去了某地,还没有回来。根据Where is he now?可知表示现在他去了哪里,因此他还没有回来,故用has gone to,故选C。
14.The island is quite hot all year round,because it's _________ the equator.
A.next    B.close to    C.far from    D.behindB

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