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  英语  专业    基础英语  试卷  A卷)
I.    Match each word with its definition(每空0.5分,共10分)
1)  _____    instill
2)    _____  scramble
3)  _____    ultimate
4)    _____  intact
5)    _____  sloppy
6)    _____  rivet
7)    _____  exotic
8)    _____  resume
9)    _____  indiscreet
10)    _____  sneak
11)    _____  punctuate
12)    _____  studious
13)    _____  dissolve
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15)    _____  squint
16)    _____  moribund
17)    _____  grumble
18)    _____  merchandise
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20)    _____  inaugurate
a)    money or property that one receives from someone after they die
b)    to break the flow of something repeatedly
c)    given to diligent study
d)    approaching death, about to die
e)    to be absorbed by a liquid, esp. (of liquid) to absorb a solid
f)    to go quietly and secretly so as not to be seen
g)    to open a building or service for the first time or to start a public event with ceremony
h)    to begin after a pause
i)    being last in a series, process, or progression
j)    to attract and hold one’s attention strongly
k)    to introduce by gradual, persistent efforts
l)    excitingly different, strange or unusual
m)    to complain in a surly manner, mutter discontentedly
n)    whole because no part has been touched, spoilt or broken
o)    marked by a lack of neatness or order, untidy
p)    to look with almost closed eyes
q)    careless about what one says or does
r)    freedom to act within particular limits
s)    to move or climb hurriedly, especially on the hands and knees
t)    things for sale, goods for trade
II.    Fill in each blank with the derivative of the words in parentheses. (每题1分,共10分)
1)    You could ______ (on) food by not eating in restaurants all the time. (economically)
2)    As a ______, I prefer rice to noodles. (south)
3)    Well, this is only a ______, rather than a fact. (propose)
4)    She gave him a soft _____ look that would have melted a solid ice. (appeal)
5)    Sichuan cuisine is known for its hot and ______ dishes. (spice)
6)    Absorbed in her book, she was totally ______ of her surroundings. (oblivion)
7)    His words came out in rapid ______. (succeed)
8)    The problem with some of these drugs is that they are so very _____ (assess)
9)    We shall sometimes indulge the ______ so natural in old men, to be talking of themselves. (incline)
10)    There is no ______ for punishing arms exporters who break the rules. (mechanical)
III.    Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs. (每题0.5分,共8分)
1)  I found it very difficult to get ____ to the audience by mere language.
2)  Repeated failures in his experiments really got him _____.
3)  She asked the tailor to take ____ the dress a few inches at the waist.
4)    You should not taken _____ too many responsibilities.
5)    When we are eating fish, we need to look _____ for bones.
6)    Please look _____ it that it doesn’t happen again.
7)    At the end of each lesson the teacher will run ____ the main points.
8)    The new clock radio has run _____ we must change the batteries.
9)    The teacher kept Tom _____ because of his sloppy work.
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11)    The school has turned _____ some very good scholars.
12)    I’m confident that he will turn _____ as he had promised.
13)    I’ve made my choice and I will hold ____ to the end.
14)    The bandits held ____ the train and robbed the passengers.
15)    The event was brought  _____ by mere coincidence.
16)    Jobs are hard to come _____ when so many people are out of work.
IV.    Paraphrase the following sentences. 莘县属于哪个市(每题3分,共21分)
1) It was a swelling feeling of rage and misery and protest that expressed itself in the thought. This is how life goes on, by living things dying in anguish.
2) A grim spectre has crept upon us almost unnoticed, and this imagined tragedy may easily become a stark reality we shall know.
3) The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town. The poison sac of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it.
4) The tendrils of desire unfold their clasp on the outer world of objects, withdraw, shrivel up. Wishes shrivel up, turn black, die.
5) The Chunnel rewrites geography, at least in the English psyche. The moat has been breached. Britain is no longer an island.
6) No crowd was ever brought to its feet screaming and cheering at the sight of two men beautifully dodging and weaving out of each other’s jabs.

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