山西临汾市初中英语八年级上册 Unit 9复习题

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1.He always comes to school early, but he is late today. I feel _________.
A.surprise    B.surprising    C.surprised    D.surprisesC
2.You’ll just have to wait _______ they call your name.
A.until    B.if    C.although    D.whenA
句意:你只需要等到他们叫你的名字。A. until 直到;B. if如果;C. although 尽管,虽然;D. when当……的时候。根据下文they call your name.可知是说直到……,根据题意,故选A。
3.Mr. Hand gave me a map _______ I won’t get lost.
A.if    B.even though    C.as long as    D.so thatD
句意:汉德先生给了我一张地图,这样我就不会迷路了。A. if 如果;B. even though即使,纵然;C. as long as 只要;D. so that这样,以便。根据下文I won’t get lost.可知,这里是表示目的用so that来引导。根据题意,故选D。
—It’s Saturday the 2nd.
A.What’s today    B.What is it    C.What’s it like    D.What’s the dayA
句意:——今天是什么日子?——是周六,2号。A. What’s today今天什么日子,回答日期和星期;B. What is it它是什么;C. What’s it like它什么样;D. What’s the day语法错误。根据下文It’s Saturday the 2nd.回答可知用What’s today提问。根据题意,故选A。
5.We should have a good habit of _____ the water tap after washing our hands.
A.turning off    B.turning on    C.turning toA
句意:洗完手后,我们应该有一个关水龙头的好习惯。A. turning off 关掉;B. turning on打开;C. turning to转向。根据下文after washing our hands可知上文是关掉水龙头。根据题意,故选A。.
—It’s Thursday.
A.What day is it today    B.What’s the date today
C.What day today    D.What date is it todayA
句意:——今天是星期几?——周四。A. What day is it today今天是周几?B. What’s the date today今天是几号;C. What day today 语法错误; D. What date is it today语法错误。根据下文It’s Thursday.回答可知这里是问星期几,根据题意,故选A。
7.—Can you stay here longer ?
—___________. But , I have to be back tomorrow.
A.I’d love to    B.I’m afraid not
C.I’m sorry , I can’t    D.No, thank youA
句意:——你能呆在这儿更长吗?——我很乐意。但是我必须明天回去。A. I’d love to 我很乐意;B. I’m afraid not恐怕不能;C. I’m sorry , I can’t 对不起,我不能;D. No, thank you不,谢谢你。A选项表示“我愿意”与后句构成转折。故选A。
8.Last Sunday she ________and they had a good time.
A.hung out with her friends    B.had an ice-cream
C.took some photos    D.want to the parkA
句意:上个周日,她和她的朋友们闲逛,她们玩得很开心。A. hung out with her friends和她的朋友们闲逛;B. had an ice-cream吃一个冰激凌;C. took some photos照相;D. want to the park去公园。根据and they had a good time.可知这里是说和朋友们闲逛。根据题意,故选A。
9.May 12th is Xiao Ming’s birthday. He__________us to his birthday party.
A.ask    B.invites    C.makes    D.tellB
句意:5月2日是小明的生日,他邀请我们来参加他的生日聚会。A. ask 问;B. invites邀请;C. makes使,制作;D. tell告诉。短语invite sb. to…表示邀请某人去某地。根据句意,故选B。
10.—Jack didn't go to bed ________ 12 o'clock last night.
— That's why he was late for school this morning.
A.until    B.for    C.to    D.atA
介词的辨析句意。根据题干That's why he was late for school this morning.那就是他今天早上上学迟到的原因。可知,应是说杰克昨晚直到十二点才睡觉。not…until表示直到…才,符合句意。故选A。
11.—What should I do? I got into a big fight with my best friend,and now we're not talking.
—You know,the best way ________ her talk to you is to talk to her first and tell her how terrible you feel.
A.to make    B.make    C.at making    D.makingA
句意:——我应该做什么?我和我最好的朋友吵了一架,现在我们不说话。——你知道,让她和你说话的最好的方法就是先和她说话,告诉她你感觉多么糟。the way to do sth=the way of doing sth做某事的方法。故选A。
12.Jane is talented in painting and ________ paint great pictures at the age of 5.
A.may    B.can    C.might    D.couldD
句意“简在画画方面有天赋,在5岁时他能画很好的画”。may意为“可能”,表示推测;can意为“能”,表示现在的能力;might意为“可能”,表示推测,可能性比may小;could意为“能”,表示过去的能力。由“at the age of 5”可知此处表示过去能,且结合句意知选D。
13.─Can you come to my house for dinner this Sunday, Mary?
A.I'd love to, but I have a lot of things to do    B.Oh, that'll be too boring
C.I'll stay at home    D.Yes, I can'tA
本题考查情景交际。I'd love to, but I have a lot of things to do    我想要去,但是我有很多事要做; Oh, that'll be too boring哦,那将是太无聊了。I'll stay at home我将会待在家里。由问句句意“这个周日你能来我家吃晚饭吗,玛丽?”可知是邀请别人,而拒绝对方的邀请常用“I'd love to,but…”,but后是不能接受邀请的原因。故选A。
14.I have to study ________ my math test ________ Friday afternoon.
A.at;on    B.on;for    C.for;in    D.for;onD
句意:我要为我星期五下午的数学考试而学习。考查介词辨析题。前一空表目的,需用介词for,短语study for:备考,为……学习;在具体的某一天或某一天的上午,下午,晚上使用介词on,后一空修饰Friday afternoon(星期五的下午)这一具体的时间,故用介词on;故选D。
at, in, on表示时间的区别: 1. 表示时间的某一点、某一时刻或年龄等用at;2. 泛指一般意义的上午、下午或晚上以及月或年等较长的时间,一般用 in;3. 若表示星期几或某一特定的日期,则用 on。

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